Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Special One Prediction - Naruto 455

NARUTO Spoilers and Manga (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by The Special One to re-post all his writings and predictions.

Naruto Chapter 455
by: The Special One

As the Kages near the Summit, business down in Konoha commences

(Naruto's punishment continues. Karui continues to beat Naruto. After a hard right to the nose, effectively breaking it from our view, she drops her left elbow into his gut, causing him to spew up more blood. She prepares to splatter his face once more, this time with a downward side elbow. Naruto notices the danger of getting hit, so he immediately does an x block.)

[For those who don't know what that is, it is basically your forearms coming together to form an x, and you use the momentum from your shoulders and arms to parry the blow, knocking the opponent off guard. In this case, Naruto just holds the position.]

(Sai attempts to step in, but automatically someone stops him.)

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“Sempai,” said Sai. “What are you doing Sai? Danzou gave strict orders to spy on his actions. Whatever business he gets into, you should report to Danzou. It seems he made quite the trouble, getting into conflict with Cloud,” said Hyou

“That’s not,” said Sai before he is cut off. “Don’t hold any personal feelings toward a mission, ever. Emotions only cause missions to be compromised. I really came here to seek you out because Danzou wanted you and I as escorts to the Summit of the Five Kages,” said Hyou.

“What,” asked Sai. “It seems Akatuski has become too much, even more of a nuisance. This caused Raikage to order a meeting to quickly deliver the nail into their coffin. Enough of that though. Come, quickly,” said Hyou.

(Switch Scene back to Naruto’s beating.)

"What's wrong? Tired? I thought I could beat the snot out of you until I'm tired. But guess what? I'm not tired yet! Or are you going to tell me about Uchiha Sasuke? Either one fits me fine," said Karui.

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“I, I… I www won’t sss sell Sasuke out. I don’t go back on my words. That is what it means to be a ninja to me,” said Naruto. (Karui has nasty looking veins popping out everywhere. Omoi takes notice at Karui’s rage.)

“Karui. That’s enough. We’ll leave,” said Omoi. “I’m shocked you don’t want in on the fun,” smiled Karui. “Nahh. I think your beating more than quadrupled what I would have done to the guy. Sometimes I’d wish you take things a little less seriously,” said Omoi. “Fuck that, this is our Master we’re talking about and I ain’t taken no nonsense from a snot nosed punk,” yelled Karui.

(Automatically her elbow manages to slip through; it cracks Naruto square in the face. A morbid screech of agony erupts, as the disfigured face of Naruto lay motionless.)

“Kk, Karui. You didn’t,” asked Omoi. “Nahh. He’s fine. He’s still breathing,” said Karui. (Karui places her heel on Naruto’s face.) “If he’s like Killer Bee, he should be better in no time at all. Then I could beat on him some more,” said Karui. “Umm. What if someone finds him like this. It could spell big trouble for us,” said Omoi.

(Quickly Karui becomes worried.)

“Crap, we gotta hide em,” said Karui. “Man this is all your freakin fault. Now they’re going to find em all hurt n’stuff and the village is going to find out it was us, then we’ll be black listed and we’ll be hunted down like criminals,” said Omoi.

(Naruto opens his eyes.)

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“I’m ok,” said Naruto creepily. “AHHH,” yelled Karui. (On impulse she flattens him with a kick to the head. Naruto is silenced.)

“Stop It or you’ll kill him,” said Omoi. “It’s not my fault. The bastard scared me. I acted on reflex,” said Karui. (They both carry Naruto off all goofy like into the structure behind them. They open the locker and stuff his body in there.)

“I feel like a criminal. You’re nothing but bad newz. If they talk to be, I’m going squeal,” said Omoi. “Fool, you could have stopped me,” said Karui. “Hell no! I saw that look on your eyes, you were liable to beat the crap out of me too,” said Omoi.

(They both sneak outside. All of a sudden they catch sight of Lee who was right in their faces.)

“So you must be the cloud shinobi guests. I heard a loud scream on my morning jog around the village so I went to go check it out. Is everything ok with you guys,” said Lee.

(They both run off flailing their arms around crazy like.)

“I didn’t do nothin,” yelled Omoi. “Waaaaa,” cried Karui.

“Cloud shinobi are weird. Oh well, back to training. The Youth needs no rest,” said Lee.

(He dashes off not knowing what really went down.)

(Switch Scene to a conversation between Yamato, Kakashi, and Samui. They are in a tent recently set up.)

“So that’s really all I know about his abilities. I’ve only came into contact with him once,” said Yamato. “I’m afraid my information would be pointless. I’ve only trained the kid for a year. Based off what Yamato has said, he has taken my trade mark jutsu and made variations to it,” said Kakashi.

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“Well, then tell me more about the sharingan. The famous Copy Ninja of Konoha ought to be able to tell me at least that,” said Samui. “Sempai,” said Yamato. “Huh. Naruto is going to kill me for this,” said Kakashi.

(Switch Scene to the outskirts of Konoha.)

“Alright, move out,” said Danzou. “Yes lord Danzou” said Sai. “We’ll ensure that nothing happens to you,” said Hyou. (Danzou makes a handseal.) “I would expect nothing less from my most prized soldiers.,” said Danzou.

“Danzou, about the backup for Anko,” mentioned Sai. “Don’t concern yourself with that, squads have already been issued to support her. Now, time to move on to more pressing concerns. Shunshin No jutsu,” said Danzou.

(Switch Scene to Anko, she apparently has cornered Kabuto.)

“Yuck. It seems the rumors were true. You’ve became more of a serpent than Orochimaru himself,” said Anko.

(Kabuto’s face is completely scaly as well as his arms. Both of his eyes resemble those to that of Orochimaru’s.)

“Ha, ha. Mitarashi Anko, fancy meeting you here. I take it Konoha wants something from me, you coming all this way,” said Kabuto. “You were once affiliated with Orochimaru and your body has now become infested with the inhumane experiments that once enhanced Orochimaru’s abilities. I have order from the Hokage to restrain you at once,” said Anko.

“Now that you bring up Orochimaru. You were once a very promising student under his wing. I’d like to test out my newfound abilities on you. The left over trash,” smiled Kabuto.

(Anko rubs the back of her neck.)

“He even has the same presence as him. In my current state I’ll be no match. I’m afraid I’ll have to rely on it this time,” said Anko. (Kabuto bites his finger, pulls up his sleeve and rubs blood on the summoning tattoo.)

“Summoning jutsu,” said Kabuto. (Kabuto summons a huge serpent.) “Oh. The heaven seal. So things could spice up definitely,” smiled Kabuto.

(All of a sudden, black flame like marks spread across Anko’s face. She’s in cursed seal level 1. She does a string of handseals.)

“I’ll have to hold him off, until more backup arrives,” said Anko.

(How long can Anko hold off Kabuto?)

Next Chapter: Stop Kabuto!

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