naruto tries three rasen shuriken.the first two missed but the third hit raikage.
but the damage wasnt that great,so he cant be sealed.
raikage focused all his chakra to his hand and attacks.
doton user tries to use doton heki to defend but is easily destroyed by the raikage.
raikage was once said to be able to withstand any kind of jutsus.
naruto saw a scar on raikage's right arm that was caused by eight tails.
naruto uses bijuu dama.
end of chapter.
by: Jericho Uzumaki
Naruto 554: The Fall of an Ego
also read his next chapter prediction Naruto 555
Naruto is standing in between the forces and the Edo-Raikage.
Edo-Rai, “Hmmm, who is this? You look somewhat familiar, but that was ages ago…”
Temari, {Naruto?} “hey, he is a lightening user, we need a very strong wind attack that won’t let up on him! Something that is too fast for him to regenerate it. Just long enough to get him sealed!”
Naruto glancing at Temari, “Got it!”
He rushes towards the Edo an suddenly he is face to face with him.
Edo-, “you are fast, kind of like him, with that same blonde hair.” {He must be his son no other reason why I can feel similar chakra presence as that Minato kid!}
Naruto, “I know your fighting against your will so I won’t take this battle personally, besides you’re my Uncle Bee’s Senpai and Raikage!”
Edo Raikage is swinging at him with a fist charged with lightning, “Son of brat is a brat, no surprise.”
Naruto dodging and making a small rasenshuriken, “you are old and slow, and no way my Dad was a brat!”
Suddenly he is hit in the face with a force of black lightning an knocked back near the alliance ninja.
Naruto, “Ghaaah!!!” he is on his back with black lighting sparking on his body. {why am I still here? Man I should have poofed out form that. The chakra clock saved me I guess.}
Temari, “hmmm, is that your plan? Rushing head first with a short range fighter with that much power? Foolish, I thought you had grown, but I guess only in power.”
Naruto grinning points at the Edo Kage.
The Edo Raikage looks down and sees a small rasenshuriken slipped into his vest, “Well played, “
We see the sealed Raikage just like the Tsuchikage.
Naruto, “well I guess I should go help Gaara and grandpa Tsuchikage!”
Temari watches him leave, “you are foolish, powerful, and foolish. I pity the Leaf if he is this way if he becomes Hokage.”
Naruto appears to have heard her as he is jumping off, but says nothing.
We see Bee and Naruto jumping at high speeds.
Naruto, “come on Uncle Bee we gotta go , I have to …Ughhh!!!!”
He falls on his face, the seal designs on his aura start to disappear, and Naruto is trying to get up, “what is happening to me?”
Naruto is on his way to Gaara an company.
Tsuchikage hovers in front of Naruto stopping his progress.
Naruto, “Grandpa Tsuchikage?”
Tsuchikage, “we must talk, now.”
Naruto, “I can’t I have to…”
The Tsuchikage has an angry look on his face, “stop it!”
Suddenly he makes several rock clones and they grab Naruto. Before he can even speak two more come form below and grabs his legs.
Naruto, “what are you doing?!”
Tsuchikage, “you are gonna stand ther and listen to what I have to say boy! I have lived thru a lot of Kage’s, Hokages included. Not on of them not one of them ever thought they could do it all or expected to be Kage1 Yes some wanted it, some fought for it, hell some didn’t even think they deserved it. But none of the good ones felt they deserved it or it was promised to him! You must show respect as well…”
Naruto flashes to how he talked to Gaara last chapter and holds his head down.
“He is your friend, but he is also a Kage, a respected and trusted comrade on top of that. Why did you see yourself so high and mighty to talk down to him? Also who are you to give anyone orders on a battle formation? You are still a Genin from what I see, you have no experience or completed instruction on doing such.”
Naruto, “You…“
Tsuchikage, “what? A clone all this time? Hmmm, well I hope it sank in, even if it is just a little.”
Bee standing over Naruto, “come on little nephew, we got stuff to do , you can’t be through.”
Naruto closes his eyes and sees…darkness.
A voice, “this is wrong, this is not what I will let you become. No way, not on your life, Naruto Uzumaki!!”
Another voice, “this is going to stop now or you will go no further with this power Naruto, no further.”
Naruto opens his eyes to see the source of the voices.
We see a page with the fox in his cage looking through the bars. The angle is Naruto looking up. In front of the cage standing over a sitting Naruto is 12 year Old Naruto and Sage mode Naruto, both looking angry.
Naruto’s both speaking, “Today is the last day you disgrace us Naruto Uzumaki!”
What is going on what did they do to RS mode, and what are they going to do to Naruto?
Next “The Trail of Naruto Uzumaki!
also read his next chapter prediction Naruto 555
by: The Special One
Naruto 544: The Path of Darkness, He Walks
(Sasuke’s body is highlighted by the light that shines through the cracks.)
Sasuke (in thought): “I should get armed after I’m adjusted to my powers. (Sasuke sinisterly grins as he speaks aloud) Then, I’ll finish what I set out do-It started with Danzou and it’ll end with ‘him’… That fool better not hold back on me, he’ll face against all I represent.
(Sasuke cancels Susano-o and leaps out of the crack in the ceiling of the cavern. Sasuke lands on the top of the large skeleton that stands in front of the Akatuski Lair. Sasuke then proceeds to stretch out his arms and legs.)
Fresh air, well, sort of. The chakra in this air is like fog… It seems a lot have been going on since I’ve been resting.” (The scene switches over to the battle held between Naruto and 3rd Raikage. A huge crater receives emphasis. From the sky, Naruto lands in the crater.)
Naruto: “That woulda been too easy...” (The scene focuses on Temari and the ninja behind her; they are amazed by the Rasen Shuriken that just hit the ground moments ago.)
Temari: “I want to question why he’s here, but how did he craft such a technique? I, I’ve heard stories that an unbeatable Atakuski foe was stopped in his tracks by him, but now, I see how…”
Dotoi: “It wasn’t wise to keep an asset such as he behind lock and key for this long. With his jutsu, he might just do it.”
continue reading here
by: Jeanericuser
Naruto 554: Naruto vs Edo Raikage
Naruto looks at the edo raikage and smiles as he prepares to attack.
Temari thinking: "Naruto?! What is he doing here?"
Temari: "Naruto you are not supposed to be here!"
Naruto: "Its alright. Tsunade sent me to help and it looks like you could use it right now."
Temari: "So far we have had no luck against this guy. He seem to regenerate too quickly after each attack. None of us have even gotten close to taking him down."
Naruto: "Alright. Leave this one to me for now. Get the sealing team ready."
Kabuto: "I guess I still have another chance to take naruto down. Well he won't be able to get this one down as easily as he did nagato."
Naruto steadies himself and edo raikage prepares to charge. Suddenly both of them vanish instantly as only two flashes of yellow and brown go by.
Temari thinking: "What the?! Where did they go?! All I saw was a flash."
Dodori: "They both seem to be traveling at extremely high speeds. I never thought I would actually see someone who could match his speed but I think naruto is almost as fast as him."
Suddenly edo raikage appears and is stumbling as he wipes his chin with blood dripping from his mouth. Naruto is standing not to far away breathing tired as if exhausted. Edo raikage looks up at naruto and vanishes just as naruto does the same.
Temari: "Can you see what is happening?"
Dedori: "Not quite but I see faint flashes which hint that obviously both are sustaining heavy blows from the other but it appears naruto is so far at a slight advantage."
continue reading here
by: Kevinyu
Naruto 554 : The Two of Them
Sasuke: Heh! Still not used with these eyes. Good thing that fool Madara and Akatsuki believed in me.
Black Zetsu appears from nowhere
Black Zetsu: What are you doing?! What the hell just happened?
Sasuke: Like, making White Zetsu look like you? I think
Sasuke's Susano'o thrusts the sword into Black Zetsu
Black Zetsu: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that flame! Tobi!!!!!!!!!!!
Sasuke: You're black, and I'm making even more blacker! Hahah! Time to pay Madara! And nii-chan, we'll get them and destroy Konoha as well. And with no one to report to Madara. I can do whatever I want.
He is shocked as he senses chakra from all over the place.
Sasuke: What's with the massive population of shinobis? Nevermind, I'm just going to take fresh air.
Sasuke gets out of the cave.
Naruto Scene:
3rd Raikage: Who are you boy?
Naruto strikes with a Rasengan
3rd Raikage: Not even fast boy.
Temari: Get the fuck out there Naruto!
Naruto: I can do it, ALONE.
Dodoi: Your ego can't beat the Raikage!
continue reading here
by: Apacolypz
Naruto 544: The Emerging Darkness
Naruto leaps into the air coming down upon Raikage. Two arms form from his cloak constructing mini rasenshurikens. In his actual hands concentrating are rasengans. Raikage lifts his hand and black lighting reaches out striking Naruto. In an instant within the same move he quickly grabs Naruto's foot and slams him into the ground. Raikage: Storm Element Hidden Cloud! Rain pours from the sky drenching the land with water. Dark clouds congest the horizon with lighting flickering. As Naruto rises to his feet he notices the clouds. To himself "These clouds look like trouble."
Naruto: I will get him no matter what! As Naruto prepares to dash in the direction of the 3rd Raikage the sky glows and lightening strikes right in front of his foot. The dark purple bolt vanishes. Raikage: Storm Element Ground Hiss! All over the earth are small holes that shoot out columns of lightening. Every one of them are being controlled by Raikage via Kabuto. Naruto: This lightening seems like it has a mind of its own. I need to get in close to the Raikage if I am to hit him. This isn't going to be easy. Naruto heads off and tries to dodge the strikes as they come up from the bottom. Kabuto: It won't be that easy Naruto! The 3rd Raikage's ration techniques are by far the best known to the ninja world. Raikage lands a punch into Naruto's sternum. Naruto using his cloak extends his arms to hold on to the Raikage as he is thrown back. Naruto: I WILL NOT FAIL!!
As Naruto is flying back and Raikage in his hold a wave of lightening flashes from under Naruto's back and strikes him dead on.
Naruto is paralyzed by the intense electric current. Naruto: UGH! This is unlike anything I have ever felt...I feel like I am dying.
(Flashback) Yamato is teaching Naruto about his affinity and it's weaknesses in comparison to Sasuke.
continue reading here
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