Gaara's Absolute Defense crushed !
556 : Gaara Vs Mizukage.
TrollKage : Dammit, I keep leeing you my weaknesses and still ... Seriously guys ...
NinA : Even though, you're way too strong.
Gaara : *panting*
Gaara : ( It's not really water, it looks closer to oil. When I guard with sand, the sand gets to heavy and crumbles from being wet )
MK : Tell me. Why did you guys went to Muu earlier. It's obvious that the best strategy is to gang up on the
stronger one.
Gaara : And so we did.
MK : Yeah, right. Look as hard as you want, it's obvious I'm the stronger one here. Muu just look like a dying Mummy to me, and nothing else.
Gaara : Someone taught me not judge a book by its cover. You are strong, indeed.
MK : Humm ... the clam you actually see is one big Genjutsu, okay ? It's a mirage, I told you that right ?
Soooooooo, that means physicals attacks are useless, right ? Then hurry the fuck up, find the real clam and destroy it, DAMMIT !
Oh, but heeey ... you're from Suna, right ?
more to come
Naruto 556: A Surprise Attack
We see itachi fly off into the distance. Temari's team have finished sealing the raikage. Temari walks over to naruto and puts a hand his shoulder.
Temari: Thank you Naruto, you really saved us there
Naruto: ha well I wouldn't want to face shikamaru if I had let his girlfriend get hurt!
Temari: what?!!! She punches naruto in the face sending him flying, he lands crashing to the ground
Naruto: only kidding!!!!! Naruto's grin suddenly turns to surprise as he realises he's not with temari anymore.
Nine tails: I don't care about your jokes runt it's time!
Scene switches to black zetsu
Zetsu: ...don't ask me why, but that was close! I'm glad we changed before this war started or it would be over!
You see black zetsu half emerging out of a tree, Madarra and his 6 edo's are standing on branches all around.
Madarra: This is sooner than I expected but sasuke is still a predictable Uchiha, I was hoping he'd be more docile until his fight with naruto.
Zetsu: should I go back or take care of sasuke now
Madarra: no, you go back sasuke is far beyond what you can do now, even with your seeds he's too strong fully rested. Leave him to me. You continue with your original instructions.
Zetsu disappears into the tree. Madarra looks at his troupe and carelessly taps his mask in thought.
Madarra: (selfish kids always cause the most trouble) Fine I'll have to let you guys do this alone.
He slowly swirls into nothing as the edo's shoot off to their destination.
Switch back to naruto
Naruto: what do you mean it's time?!
9 tails: I've had enough of you brat! The nine tails roars at naruto.'you steal my power, lock me in this cage. I'VE HAD ENOUGH'!!!
Naruto is pushed back by the force of the roar.
9 tails: i've been used by many Shinobi in the past, they've all used me for their own ends, seen me nothing more than an animal or a tool but they've all FEARED ME!!
Naruto braces himself against the force of the shockwave that comes towards him.
9 tails: But NOONE has shown me such disrespect as you have now Uzumaki Naruto, to use me and discard me as such! So now I will give you your chance!
Naruto: 9 tails! I never meant to
9 tails: ENOUGH!! I know the ideas you've had since meeting the hachibi. So now you have your chance to make me your partner!
Naruto:!!! Why? I know you still don't want to so why??
9 tails: because anything is better than this!!! And if you pass the test...then you more so than any Shinobi before you deserve to be my equal!
Naruto:! Test? What test?!!
9 tails: A fight! Winner take all.
Naruto has a shocked look on his face but then smiles, 'we've already fought nine tails do we really have to...
9 tails: you fool! Do you.really think I was trying to kill you?!
9 tails: I've never wanted to kill you before now, only take you over completely so I can be free. If I killed you I would die as well and though I would come back in time it is not something to hope for.
9 tails: But as I said Uzumaki Naruto, anything is better than this! so if you win this fight then you have me, if you lose you die!! Do you agree?!
9 tails: and you are forbidden to use my power in this battle, defeat me on your own Uzumaki naruto. Show me the power that even Uchiha Madarra fears!!
Naruto: the power Uchiha Madarra fears?! What do you know about
9 tails: Yes or No Uzumaki Naruto I'm not your partner until you defeat me!
Naruto looks at the nine tails for a moment and then smiles 'how can I say no when you show me such respect nine tails'. He stretches out his hand and the Bars of the cage fly away. ' let's do it'!!
Scene switches to kabuto
Kabuto has his eyes closed and his hands formed into a seal, there is movement behind him.
Kabuto: you took your time, I've been waiting to pay you back for a while now itachi, you have not been very helpful.
A sword pierces through his shoulder from behind, lightning running across it's edge.
- will kabuto be taken down soo easily, what will sasuke do next!!
Next week 557: A meeting of Uchihas
Naruto 556: The No: 1 Knucklehead Ninja Returns!
We see darkness but the re is a voice.
“Naruto, we are stuck together for now, I will not allow your to die with me inside you if I can help it. But I will not be your crutch either. You are strong, stronger than you know and stronger than I have allowed you to be.”
Naruto voice, “So what are you saying Fox, you been holding me back?”
Fox, “your boy has been dedicating chakra to holding me at bay since you were a baby. Eventually the seal was weak enough for us to communicate, which mad your body focus even more of it’s chakra to stopping me. From this point on I give you everything that is rightfully yours. I have stopped certain things from happening that would have made you very powerful, I feared the stronger you were the less you needed me.”
Naruto, “then I wouldn’t come to you for help and you wouldn’t have a chance to escape. Well now we are completely bonded to each other like Bee and the 8 tails?”
Fox, “even better, you will see, but for know it is your show, go find out and show what you can do on your own. Save me for Madara, I wanna see him suffer at my feet!”
We now see Bee through Naruto’s eyes, “your such a sap, you done with your nap?”
Naruto getting up, “yes sir uncle Bee!”
He hold his fist out for a fist bump. They Bump.
Bee, “you seem different, but you got the same scent.”
Naruto, “believe it!”
He jumps up starting off.
Bee going after him, “okay her we go again, looks like nephew has a plan.”
Back at HQ a sensor is shocked and stands up and is grabbing the helmet.
Sensor, “whoa! That can’t be right, but it has to be? But how, it’s impossible.
Tsunade, “what is going on?”
Sensor, “Lady Tsunade, It’s Naruto, his clones are all over the pace but , suddenly the original just surged in chakra massively!”
Raikage, “yeah, he has the chakra of the 9 tails! We know that.”
Sensor, “Raikage-Sama it isn’t the 9 tails chakra….”
Showing Naruto traveling with Bee, “ it’s his own!”
Naruto, “here we go!”
They arrive in an area with many dead ninja. We see granny Chiyo and…
Naruto, “you, bone guy! You the one that tried to stop me from getting Sasuke back when the Sound Four took him!”
Bone Guy(forgot his name), “the loud brat that rushes in half cocked, is that you?”
Naruto, “I owe you an ass kicking you son of a bitch!”
Bee, “calm down clown , If he was deadly alive he is worse now.”
Naruto, “I got this one Uncle Bee, I know we can both take him but I owe him. Hope you understand.”
Several bone darts head towards them, Bee jumps out the way but Naruto doesn’t.
Without warning he releases his kunai from his sleeve and deflects them then rushes to wards him.
Bone Guy, “ You have not changed, still the actions of a child.”
He pulls two bones out of his shoulders to have a bone sword in each hand.
Naruto clashing Kunai and dodging, “that is a disgusting Kekkei genkei! I used to be jealous of Sasuke having his Sharinghan, but I realized , training and hard work beats the easy way every time.”
He jumps back.
Naruto, “ did you know that bones break solely due to pressure? Pressure of age and time , and the pressure applied to them pre square inch?”
Bone guy stands there with a confused look on his face as if not knowing what to think.
Naruto, “guess what applies pressure over a wide area of a surface?”
Bee, “?!?!”
We see Naruto with both hands extended over his head with palms as if he as a huge rasengan in each hand. Naruto and the bone guy cloths are blowing violently in the wind.
“From the Naruto Ninja handbook, Uzumaki Wind Storm jutsu: Rasen-wind Barrage!”
Suddenly Bone guy is bombard with extremely destructive blows of wind all over his body, we can see bones cracking all over his body form ribs to arms and legs. The bone swords break in half and he falls to his knees with broken legs.
Naruto, “Now!”
Two hands erupt from under the ground grabbing Bone Guy, “Ground Hog Jutsu!”
We see a Naruto clone standing over the head of Bone guy who is buried in the ground.
Naruto, “ thanx!”
Shaking hands with his clone.
There are explosive tags in several circle around bone guy.
Naruto, “I don’t know if it hurts to regenerate, but I assume it is pretty annoying at least to be blown up over and over again. So I would stay put if I were you.”
Later, He and Bee are traveling.
Bee, “….”
Naruto, “yeah I know I changed pretty quick, well it seems the fox was somehow holding me back form obtaining my true potential over the years, form realizing my true chakra level, to my intellect, to even my ability to perform jutsu. Now it’s like everything I evr been through is fresh in my mind, I think I even know how to do some jutsu I haven’t before. But there is a couple I used to practice but they got to difficult so I put them on hold til after Sage training. That was a while ago, I guess when I got RS mode I felt like I didn’t have to. But I have to be stronger, me not me and the fox, or his chakra. I will use it IF I have to, Captain Yamato, I remember.”
He stops and holds his stomach but he doesn’t fall.
Now we are seeing samurai fighting Zetsu and being overrun, Mifune is leading them.
Mifune, “fight with honor fight til death!”
Sakura, “I am Sakura Lead Medical Ninja! I was told there are too many wounded to remove I am here to get the slightly injured healed enough to help remove the more serious ones to bring back with me!”
Mifune, “thank you but be careful we are not winning as it is!”
Suddenly a man appears form the crowd of Zetsu that resembles Naruto but his hair is a rose color, he is wearing a ANBU uniform with his mask to the side of his face. He has a sword on his side.
Guy, “I see you still trying to help the helpless huh, cherry blossom? Well when I get through there are gonna be more dead!”
Mifune, “who is he, Sakura, How deadly is he?”
Sakura, “oh my, him? But why him, what purpose, does he serve? He was one of the best retrieval ninjas of the ANBU. Whenever one of us goes missing or has fallen in battle he was always successful in exposing of the bodies and bringing back the missing, although they would be mo longer alive. But how did Madara even know about him?!”
Mifuen, “sounds interesting I will…”
“no I will!”
Suddenly Bee and Naruto appear with an orange flash of light.
Bee, jumping towards The ninja, “what?”
The ninja touches him on his chest right before sword contact. He disappears.
Naruto, “what the hell just happened?” he readies a rasengan and charges.
Mifune, “no you fool, who is this ninja we face? What is his name.”
Right be fore the ninja touches him a clone appears behind him with a rasengan.
Sakura, “his name is Bonzai…Bonzai Haruno, my father!”
Naruto, “father?”
Bonzai touching Naruto, “goodbye.” Naruto disappears.
Mifune, “whre did he go? Did we lose the 8 and 9 tails so swiftly after all this fighting?”
Sakura, “Father!!!! Where are my friends, where is Naruto?”
Bonsai grinning ands scratching back of his head much like Naruto when he was younger as he is embarrassed, “lol, well I guess your gonna have to get a new Boyfriend. Hey Samurai either stand there and wait to go on a trip yourself or kill me. I’m sorry Cherry Blossom, cause I can’t stop myself.”
Kabuto is smiling at the bottom of the page.
We see Naruto and Bee beside each other but in different panels.
Bee is in a very familiar place. When some one walks up to him and says, “ Hello 8 tails, glad you could make it.”
It is Kabuto.
Naruto is in a dark stormy place with a red sky.
“Naruto where am I?”
A hand grabs his shoulder, “a place you shouldn’t be son.”
He turns to see….
“Old man Hokage?!”
Where is Naruto? What does the 3rd Hokage have to do with anything and how is Naruto getting back to the fight..can he ?
Next: “Every Room Has a Door”
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