Status: PREDICTION (FanFic)
by: The Special One
Naruto 551: The Man Once Called Undefeatable
(The scene focuses on Kabuto’s location. Kabuto smirks as he mulls something over in his head with a handseal in place.)
Kabuto (in thought): “Ku, ku, ku… So what if I had to remove Itachi from the playing board, I can't be bothered with Itachi, whatever he's up to at the moment. Regardless, if he's in Madara's or Konoha's hands, Sasuke will be mine. Nagato as he is now is such a powerful playing piece… Madara’s such a fool for not realizing its fullest potential.”
(The scene switches back over to the battle. Naruto, bounded by Nagato’s invisible summon and the power of Human realm, faces turmoil. In the nick of time, Killer Bee arrives to Naruto’s aide and quickly slashes Samehada horizontally near Nagato’s head, forcing Nagato to duck. Killer Bee, not holding back, grasps his hilt with both hands and swings Sameahda downward, diagonally, forcing Nagato to slip to the side and retreat backward. Naruto is free, as the soul link that bound Naruto’s soul to Nagato’s hand had dissipated and the invisible summon had let go of its hold. The scene focuses on Nagato for a quick second.)
Nagato: “Samehada… It canceled my chakra flow to my jutsu and my control over my summon. But only for a quick moment. If they’re smart, they’ll use this window of opportunity to devise a strategy against me before-.” (The scene switches back to Naruto and Killer Bee, they have immediately escaped to a safer location hidden in the woods.)
Killer Bee: “I nabbed some of my chakra back, but it wasn’t enough. From now on, I’ll have to thank ya for walking the tank!”
Naruto: “What!? Shit… (Naruto comes to a realization.) They’ll know what to do…” (As Killer Bee and Naruto hear sounds of discomfort, Killer Bee urges Naruto to get on with it.)
Killer Bee: “Get goin’ foo’!”
Naruto: “Summoning technique!” (As Naruto completes the string of handseals, the area is engulfed in a cloud of smoke. Seconds later, multiple clouds of smoke erupt again, almost like crackling fireworks… Nagato, from a distance, viewing the now leveled area as the clouds of smoke slowly vanish.)
Nagato: “I see, he’s pulling out all the stops, just like last time…”
(The scene focuses on the area of interest. As the clouds fade more, three large toad summons can be seen more clearly. In the center, is Gamabunta, to the right is Gamaken, and to the left, is the unnamed toad Jiraiya summoned a long time ago to visit Naruto in the hospital three years ago. As the smoke clears more, Naruto, with Fukasku and Shima on his shoulders, as well as Killer Bee, stand on top of Gamabunta’s head. The scene focuses on the heroes.)
Fukasku: “Just like ‘dat boy, takes after ‘em.”
Shima: “Always bringin’ us out at ‘da worst of times. Gotdammit!”
Naruto: “I’m sorry Gramps and Granny Sages, but there’s this jutsu that-“
Shima: “Shat up, don’t underestimate us!”
Fukasku: “We figured somethin’ was up with Gamahiro checked out… Now that I feel it for myself, a wicked jutsu must be at work. One that Jiraiya boy talked about when he spoked about his best friend. Had to be dat if I feel the same force that I’m feeling when the six ways eyes were upon us.”
Killer Bee: “Cut da chat! We dealin’ with an invisible!” (Shima nods, makes a handseal, and spits out her tongue, which has a mouth.)
Shima: “I’ll tell ya where it will pop from!” (From behind they hear destruction nearing their way. Gamaken is first to take action. He jumps behind everyone and uses his massive shield to parry the full force of Shinra tensei.)
Fukasku: “Don’t give in son!“ (Shima looks to the right.)
Shima: “BUNTA, yer left, when I give you the signal.”
Gamabunta: “Got it ma’am!” (Gamabunta grasps the hilt of his dagger.)
Shima: “NOW!” (Bunta, quickly twists his body to the left and performs and quick thrust immediately after drawing his blade.)
Gamabunta: “Shit, it’s fast!”
Shima: “You fucked up! IN FRONT!” (The unnamed toad, with extreme speed and power zips in front of everyone, delivers a strong right punch, knocking the summon out cold, followed by dropping a leg on top of the summon, effectively ending its career. Both Killer Bee and Naruto are amazed.)
Fukasku: “That one’s taijtusu and speed outclasses all other toads from Toad Mt.”
(Now, all three huge toads position their backs to each other so that they could guard all openings. In a split second, a small, black sphere soars through the sky, immediately, it starts drawing any and all matter towards it. The Toads, Bee, Naruto, etc, are being drawn towards it.)
Gamaken: “OH NO!”
Gamabunta: “DAMMIT!”
Unnamed Toad: “HRRRGH!”
Killer Bee: “HOLY SHIT!”
Shima: “Do somethin’ kid!”
Fukasku: “NAUTOOO!” (The two elders grasps Naruto’s shoulders, anchoring themselves to him. Naruto puts both of his hands together, splits them apart and forms an Oodama Rasengan…)
Naruto: “That black sphere that’s drawing everything to its center… Maybe I can destroy it!” (Shima smiles.)
Fukasku: “Good thinking!”
Naruto: “My aim has to be perfect; I’ll need a little help!”
(On the outside, it seems Chikbaku Tensei was a success. Seconds later a large explosion erupts as blue energy seeps from every opening . The prison starts to collapse, much to the dismay of Kabuto from another location. As the prison breaks apart, the toads, Naruto, and Killer Bee crash to the ground. They are all injured from the resulting ignition and collision. Naruto, slow to return to his feet, notices that Nagato’s standing right in front of his face.)
Nagato: “I hope this isn’t all you have to offer. If it is, I am truly sorry for the unbearable pain that’s to come…” (Naruto, stumbling, panting and sweating, watches as Nagato pulls out two chakra rods, one in each hand. Naruto lets out a grin.)
Naruto: “My pain is over once this pointless bloodshed cease.”
Nagato: “That’s what I like to hear.”
Next Time: Naruto vs. the Rinnegan!
(Scene switches to kabuto)
Kabuto: That damn itachi!! Always such a nuisance!!
A dark, shadow figure appears behind kabuto, and we see an image of bandages dropping to the floor.
Status: PREDICTION (FanFic)
by: Mest
Naruto 551
Naruto is caught by Nagato.
Naruto: Shit! (This is bad i have to do something quick)
Naruto comes out of chakra mode, and creates two shadow clones. Both at the same time, land an upper kick on nagato, sending him into the air, before Nagato can even react, Naruto engages chakra mode, and makes 10 chakra hands all holding a rasengan.
Naruto: How about this!
As Nagato hit's the ground, almost instantly Naruto barrages him with all 10 rasengans at once.
Nagato: Im impressed, Naruto. But that isn't going to be enough.. CHIBAKU TENSEI!
Naruto: ...!!
Naruto becomes encompassed in the jutsu, using as many chakra hands as he can make, to hold the walls from compressing on him. Suddenly..
Itachi: SUSANOO!
Susanoo partially appears, revealing just his arm, and part of his rib cage, itachi uses susanoo to punch through the wall and grab Naruto, pulling him out.
Naruto creates what looks like the "rock on" sign with three fingers on each hand, and makes 6 rasenshurikens, all of which hit Nagato, as the pieces of his body start to reform, Naruto appears standing above him.
Naruto: you see..Im different from when we last fought, Im sorry.
Naruto uses some kind of seal to leave nagato paralyzed.
Naruto: That should hold him until the sealing team can get here.
Naruto turns around and looks at bee
Naruto: Are you alright, Uncle Bee?
Itachi: Naruto look out!!
Nagato: It is me who is sorry..Naruto..
Nagato stands back up
Naruto, Itachi, and Bee: !!!
Nagato: You must not underestimate me in my complete form!! BANSHO TENSEI!
Nagato pulls naruto towards him, as he does, Itachi activates his full susanoo(with sword and mirror)
Itachi: I can't allow this to happen, Naruto must fight my brother and bring him peace!
Susanoo begins to swing the totsuka towards nagato.
(Scene switches to kabuto)
Kabuto:This isn't good! I still need him for my plans.
(Back to the fight)
As totsuka is coming down, for which appears would be a direct hit, two coffins appear side by side, nagato is swallowed by one, and it starts sinking into the ground, as nagato disappears, totsuka comes down, crashing through the coffin meant for itachi.
Itachi: It is done..For now.
Naruto: What happened?
Itachi: The user of edo tensei must have tried to summon us both back at the last moment, thankfully, ive already broken control. Naruto, you must help me find my brother, I need to have a talk with him.
(Scene switches to sasuke)
Zetsu: Sasuke calm down! Soon you'll be wreak all the havoc you want on konoha!
Sasuke: The time for waiting is over, I make my move now.
(Scene switches to naruto and co.)
Naruto: Bee!! Go back to headquarters, your drained, I'll take care of the rest of these imposters, and help itachi find sasuke!!
Bee: Are you sure about this bro, you might need the power of me and eight-o.
Naruto: Yes Im sure, Go report back to your brother and granny tsunade please.
Bee: Ok.
Bee and naruto both dissapear leaving itachi standing their. Moments later, naruto reappears
Naruto: Ok i took out all the zetsus are you ready itachi?
Itachi: (Zetsu huh? Madaras been keeping him around I see.) Yes, lets go.
(Scene switches to kabuto)
Kabuto: That damn itachi!! Always such a nuisance!!
A dark, shadow figure appears behind kabuto, and we see an image of bandages dropping to the floor.
Status: PREDICTION (FanFic)
by: King Leonin
Naruto 551: The Independent Ninja.
Nagato is trying to rip Naruto’s soul out of his body when…
POP!! Poof
Nagato, “A shadow clone, Very good, Naruto.”
Bee, “wait a minute yo, then how’d he spit out the
Itachi, “the crow itself is just a manifestation of what I gave him, it made no difference if it were a clone of the real Naruto.”
Kabuto at his hideout, “Then where is the real Naruto?”
Some where else…
Naruto is defeating Zetsu and defending two Alliance ninja.
Naruto, {what, Itachi and Nagato? Hmmm, Itachi freed himself, that’s a relief. But Nagato is at full strength, I have to get there.}
Near the fight with Bee, Itachi, and Nagato are two individuals walking
closer to it.
A ninja dressed in cloths similar to Sasuke at the chunin exams but with a face mask like Kakashi. He has a sword on his back. He is wearing a headband with Leaf emblem. His hair is similar to the fourth but red.
There is an individual covered in a hooded rob, impossible to see any details of him or her.
Ninja, “well we are almost there friend.”
Other, “you sure you wanna do this? You know what this means right?”
Ninja, “yeah, I know, but I have to do something. I can’t his anymore, I have to return. I have learned so much, he should know.”
Other, “okay, I am with you, and I will keep my promise as well.”
Ninja, “good.”
Over at the fight Bee is doing everything he can to dodge Nagato’s attacks. A while Itachi…
Itachi, “hmmm, I see it is know doujutsu against doujutsu.”
Nagato, “I bet there are quit a few that would want to see this.”
Itachi, “but you have me at a disadvantage, you know?”
Nagato. “yes with me not spreading my power over separate bodies, genjutsu doesn’t work on me.”
Bee, “what the fuck, this dude is gonna kick our butt!”
Suddenly, “Ronin Style: head hunter technique!”
Nagato is suddenly beheaded from nowhere.
The ninja appears in front of Itachi and Bee, pulling Nagato’s head off his sword.
Bee, “well aint that some shit, you faster than the hyper kid!”
Itachi, “it isn’t over, the body still moves. I see your chakra, you seem to be..”
Naruto comes in with a flash, “ I am here guys, where is Nagato?”
Ninja holds up his head, Nagato, “right here Naruto.”
Naruto, “what the hell? Who I shtis guy? He took out Nagato?”
Ninja, “actually I didn’t, the body is still active. I have to talk to you Naruto.”
Itachi, “I will buy you some time, come 8 tails.”
Bee, “hey twisted eyed freak, the names killer Bee!”
They both go towards Nagato’s body.
Kabuto, “who is that? No matter I control the body I don’t need the head to be intact.”
Ninja, “I have something important to tell you Naruto, this will blow your mind, but. You know who I am.”
Naruto, “what we meet before? I don’t remember anyone that looks like you?”
Ninja, “funny, let me show you.”
He slowly removes the mask and head band to reveal.
Naruto in shock pointing, “but how, how can this be? You can’t be here!”
The other comes over to them from hiding, “ I have some doing in that, but this isn’t the place to go into a great detailed story.”
Ninja, “your right, let’s finish this fight first, okay?”
He puts his mask and head band back.
"How did a clone survive and for how long?"
Next, "The New Naruto, Ronin Style!"
Shima: “I’ll tell ya where it will pop from!” (From behind they hear destruction nearing their way. Gamaken is first to take action. He jumps behind everyone and uses his massive shield to parry the full force of Shinra tensei.)
Fukasku: “Don’t give in son!“ (Shima looks to the right.)
Shima: “BUNTA, yer left, when I give you the signal.”
Gamabunta: “Got it ma’am!” (Gamabunta grasps the hilt of his dagger.)
Shima: “NOW!” (Bunta, quickly twists his body to the left and performs and quick thrust immediately after drawing his blade.)
Gamabunta: “Shit, it’s fast!”
Shima: “You fucked up! IN FRONT!” (The unnamed toad, with extreme speed and power zips in front of everyone, delivers a strong right punch, knocking the summon out cold, followed by dropping a leg on top of the summon, effectively ending its career. Both Killer Bee and Naruto are amazed.)
Fukasku: “That one’s taijtusu and speed outclasses all other toads from Toad Mt.”
(Now, all three huge toads position their backs to each other so that they could guard all openings. In a split second, a small, black sphere soars through the sky, immediately, it starts drawing any and all matter towards it. The Toads, Bee, Naruto, etc, are being drawn towards it.)
Gamaken: “OH NO!”
Gamabunta: “DAMMIT!”
Unnamed Toad: “HRRRGH!”
Killer Bee: “HOLY SHIT!”
Shima: “Do somethin’ kid!”
Fukasku: “NAUTOOO!” (The two elders grasps Naruto’s shoulders, anchoring themselves to him. Naruto puts both of his hands together, splits them apart and forms an Oodama Rasengan…)
Naruto: “That black sphere that’s drawing everything to its center… Maybe I can destroy it!” (Shima smiles.)
Fukasku: “Good thinking!”
Naruto: “My aim has to be perfect; I’ll need a little help!”
(On the outside, it seems Chikbaku Tensei was a success. Seconds later a large explosion erupts as blue energy seeps from every opening . The prison starts to collapse, much to the dismay of Kabuto from another location. As the prison breaks apart, the toads, Naruto, and Killer Bee crash to the ground. They are all injured from the resulting ignition and collision. Naruto, slow to return to his feet, notices that Nagato’s standing right in front of his face.)
Nagato: “I hope this isn’t all you have to offer. If it is, I am truly sorry for the unbearable pain that’s to come…” (Naruto, stumbling, panting and sweating, watches as Nagato pulls out two chakra rods, one in each hand. Naruto lets out a grin.)
Naruto: “My pain is over once this pointless bloodshed cease.”
Nagato: “That’s what I like to hear.”
Next Time: Naruto vs. the Rinnegan!
(Scene switches to kabuto)
Kabuto: That damn itachi!! Always such a nuisance!!
A dark, shadow figure appears behind kabuto, and we see an image of bandages dropping to the floor.
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