
Naruto attacks Mu from the back with a plantery(?) rasengan
Garaa: Naruto?
Muu dodges the attack.
Onooki: Muu is a sensory-ninja!
Naruto: Gaara! Your sand!
Gaara: !!
Gaara releases his sand, Muu gets ready to attack.
Naruto rides on the sand.
Muu: I see... using the sand to approach me. I can dodge it, my ninjutsu is faster.
Naruto's hand(? RM hands maybe?) extends.
Muu: It extended!
Onooki: Good!
The attack hits Muu's abdomen.
Muu: This spiraling!! (describing rasengan?)
Naruto: Uwahhh! Rasengan!
Muu is blown back and uses a doton technique. His hands grew heavy and stops him from being blown back.
Muu: ...you who hated other villages is actually working well with them.
Onooki: When you live long enough, anything is possible.
Gaara's sand catches Muu.
Muu: Careful... I'm... (Muu is sealed?)
Naruto: Yeah, that's Gaara for you. That old man is good too!
Onooki: I am the tsuchikage afterall.
Garaa: Why are you on the battlefield?!
Naruto: Yeah… about that.
Garaa: Can you convince me?
Shikadad:He can't so let me explain. I'm Shikaku, Tsuchikage and Kazekage are battling so we didn't have time to explain.
Onooki:The battle has not ended, sum it up for us.
Clam man:...bah, you guy's don't feel like winning? I'm…really…just way too strong?(more trolling)
Alliance fodder:Ouch, oww... so many of us has fallen.
我爱罗:I see, only naruto can deal with zetsu's transformation... but I was a Jinchuuriki so I know… your kyuubi chakra… is it okay to use them like this?
Naruto: ...
Garaa: ...
Naruto: I won't die before I become the hokage! Don't underestimate me even if you are the Kazekage!
Onooki: ...
Naruto: I'll attack the battlefield from the right! Oldman and Garaa take the left!
Fodder A: I can't feel anything with my attacks!
Fodder B: We can't cause him any damage!!
Edo Raikage recovers quickly.
Temari: I'll have to use my fastest windcutter jutsu.
A ninja appears infront of Temari.
Edo Raikage: 土台吗…?(Someone new? I got no clue how to translate names.)
土台:Yes…… Sandaime Raikage endurance surpasses his speed and attack power but he lacks long range attacks.
Temari:I'm a fairly proficient fuuton user but... how did he die?
土台:He protected a comrade and fought 10000 people by himself to allow his comrade to escape...for 3 days without rest.
Kabuto:While summoning "him"…I'll have him buy me some time.
Temari:Honestly, I don't think theres anyone in the Alliance that surpasses me in futon…
Naruto: There is!
Temari: !!
Naruto: That's me!
Zetsu: Stop! What's happening?!
Zetsu: Some is piercing in... and black flames are emerging from it!
Zetsu: GWahhhhh!
Sasuke: I'll test it more...
A new Susanoo behind Sasuke.
Sasuke: These eyes... they see well in darkness.
by: The Special One
Naruto 553: A New Direction
(From behind Muu, Naruto tears into the scene with intense determination. Muu catches the sound of the charging Rasengan in back, making him tilt his head in the direction of Naruto. In an instant, Muu vanishes into thin air, much to the shock of Naruto. Due to Muu’s concentration being broken, Tsuchikage is freed from the paralysis. Naruto lands to the ground and regroups with Gaara and Tsuchikage much to their dismay.)
Tsuchikage: “I don’t know whether to thank ya or give ya a lecture.”
Gaara: “Why Naruto? Haven’t you realized-,”
Naruto: “Not now! This guy has some crazy power. But I can help… I can read that jutsu of his.”
(Both Tsuchikage and Gaara are amazed. The scene switches over to where the allied shinobies pressed their luck with the 3rd Raikage. Right as the dust settles, Temari and the sealing team close in on their target. The target is stagnant, however, is short-circuiting everywhere. Temari is first to grasp the situation.)
Temari: “It’s a Raiton clone!” (Seconds later, the 3rd Raikage appears just feet from Temari’s left. He’s engulfed in Raiton shroud.)
3rd Raikage: “That’s correct little one. I apologize for this…”
(Temari gets a chill sent down her spine. Before the 3rd Raikage can close the distance any further and utterly shatter Temari’s face, the 3rd Raikage’s fist collides into the flat side of Samehada. It’s none other than Killer Bee, who has successfully parried his Godfather’s attack with both hands firmly grasped upon the hilt. The 3rd Raikage’s onslaught has been stopped much to the shock and awe of all parties witnessing.)
3rd Raikage: “Bee?!” (As the shroud of the 3rd Raikage is absorbed into the Samehada, Bee, who grips his hilt tightly with both hands, strengthens his grasp with his right hand, slides his left hand off the hilt of his sword and places it along the backside of the blade near the top. Bee, using the momentum from a twist, manages to slip the 3rd Raikage’s fist off the blade and whack him upside the head with the top edge of the Samehada. The 3rd Raikage coughs up spit.
The scene focuses on forested area. A crow lands on a branch and scopes out the area. It notices nothing, so flies away. The scene switches over to a very hostile environment. Sparks jumping off clashing steal flicker in and out all over the battle torn terrain as ninja all over clash with the golems, one particular fight, however, is given special attention. A huge spark of ration erupts from a clash between Kakashi, wielding the Raiton induced head heaving cleaver, and Ringo, wielding his trademark twin swords into an x position to firmly grasp Kakashi’s sword in place. Kakashi, however, notices a crow, which just happens to pass by.)
Kakashi (in thought): “Bizarre…” (The scene switches over to Akatuski’s fort. A crow sits on the large skeleton that stands in front. It then spots a figure exiting one of the corridors of the fort. The crow speeds off towards the figure’s direction. The crow notices that it’s Sasuke. The crow slows its flight and descends near his feet. Sasuke kneels down and interestingly commits a stare off with the animal. The crow winks its eye at him, much to the shock of Sasuke. The crow hops on Sasuke’s shoulder, looks him in the eye one more time, and flies away as Sasuke returns to his feet.)
Sasuke: “Did that just happen, or am I hallucinating? Could be a side effect from having ‘his’ eyes… I may need more time adjusting to my new powers.”
(The scene switches over to Kabuto’s location. He’s gathering chakra.)
Kabuto (in thought): “I’ve exhausted a lot of my chakra… I may have to release some of my control over the golems in order to bring “him” out. Must keep the tailed beasts busy, however…”
(Kabuto notices that something’s off… Kabuto’s highly improved senses points his head in a direction towards a high up branch. Kabuto sweats knowing that he’s locking eyes with a crow, the crow has veins going through its glaring eye. Kabuto then blinks his eye, in an instant, it’s gone. The scene switches over to a high up cliff overlooking the forested areas. Itachi stands tall near the edge of a mountain. A murder of crows can be seen patrolling the skies up above him…)
Itachi: “The die has been cast…”
Next Time: Itachi’s deadly sights are now set on Kabuto!
Naruto 553: Helping a Comrade
Scene starts of where we last ended.
with a Rasengan in the corner and Gaara shocked
[Mu sees the look on Gaaras face has changed and quickly turns
around to Face….]
Mu- Who are You?!!
[They zoom in on Naruto]
Naruto- I’m the reinforcements
[Naruto makes the Rasengan dispel by clenching his fist]
Mu- so they only sent YOU to back them up against all these former Kages?
Naruto- …NO…[POOF!!!!]
Mu- eh… just a clone, that was some weak ass back up.
[but standing right behind Mu unnoticed is Naruto in Nine-Tails Chakra
Mode and behind Naruto is Killer Bee with Samehada resting on his
[Gaara is shocked while and Old Man third Tsuchikage has the same
expression as when he hurts his back but it is just because he is
shocked not in pain.]
[Naruto steps aside while killer Bee takes a swing with Samehada,
but Mu feels the breeze of the swing and disappears, but when Mu
finally reappears some distance away Naruto is already
behind him with a Rasengan plunged in his back and Mu is sent
flying into a large rock. The impact makes the rocks crumble onto
him. Mu is seen very very very slowly getting up climbing out of the
rubble, still regenerating.]
[The scene cuts back to Gaara and Old Man third Tsuchikage]
Old man Tsuchikage- what speed, but what’s more impressive is the speed he found Master Mu.
Gaara- Hmm…[Thinking- I knew this was going to happen]
Cut scene
Killer Bee- Sorry, Naruto I missed. That guy is one sneaky ass Bitch!!
Naruto- don’t sweat it Uncle Bee, but can you do me a mad favor though?
Killer Bee- If you got something to be done, give it to me and it’s already won!
Naruto- Good
[without taking his eyes of Mu and the Moving Rubble, Naruto uses his
thumb and points directly behind him]
Naruto- Uncle Bee can you take care of him for me?
[The pictures zooms to where Naruto was pointing, showing that he wants Bee to take care of the Third Raikage, who has now broke free of the net and is running towards fodder ninja.]
Naruto- these guys are mad strong I really need your help on this one Uncle Bee
Killer Bee- you got it Naruto, this is gonna be one Hell of a Family Reunion.
[Killer Bee goes dashing off towards the Raikage]
Naruto- Gaara…. I need you to do something for me as well…
Gaara- NO!! I will not let you fight these guys on your own!!!...I know your strong you have proved that time and time again, but I am too!!....I am the Kazekage after all Let Me PROTECT…..
Naruto- [whispers]- Them…
[Naruto is now pointing Behind Gaara, towards Temari, and the Second
Mizukage and the clam]
Naruto- Gaara, go Protect them, you are right you are the Kazekage and you are strong, and that is why they need your protection more than I do…Go…
Gaara- but…
Naruto- but you are right…. it is not my time to fight alone….Just yet.
[Gaara is surprised by his words]
[Naruto looks up and sees the Old Man third Tsuchikage]
Naruto- Super Gramps, do you mind giving me a hand on this guy?
Old Man Tsuchikage- its sure looks like you don’t need it but, if you do, you have my help.
Naruto- Thanks, and Gaara can you send Shikamaru over here, I think he can be a major help to us right now.
Gaara- what do you have in mind?
Naruto- It’s not what is on my mind, its what’s in his.
Scene cuts to
[a zoom focus on Kabuto looking at the pieces on the board]
[It zooms out now to see Itachi standing above a Kabuto who has his
Creepy tongue smile on his face]
Next: Naruto 554: The Genius’s Plan
Naruto 553: Toby's Identity
Itachi, Bee and Naruto are talking.
Itachi: I feel bad for Nagato, but I had no choice. You must go on ahead. I’ll seal whatever zombie’s I’ll find. I’m immortal now.
Naruto: But..
Itachi: Don’t! You must find my brother and use Shisui’s eye. With your lineage, it’s likely you can activate it’s technique more often than Shisui. Chances must be taken.
Itachi: (By no means I can’t let him find Madara now.)
Scene changes to Kabuto and Tobi. Madara’s Susano’o is trashing the area, barely missing the paths.
Kabuto: kukukukuku. It’s time to go away, see you later.
Kabuto vanishes in the mouth of a huge snake.
Izuna: ( That treacherous bastard. My brother is strong enough to cause severe damage on Gedo Mazo)
Gedo Mazo is dismissed.
Izuna: (He’s using my eyes. The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan… He sure has acess to my ability. My body is still very damaged. I can’t rely on Zetsu forever. Though my life has been long like this, it’s painful and my powers are medíocre.)
Madara looks up.
Izuna: ( Damn, I can teleport, but I can’t make them teleport all in time)
Madara: Blaze Release: Amaterasu Prison
Using his eyes as crossairs, Madara targets each path, and a sphere of Amaterasu engulfs each. As they’re body parts burn, they are rendered useless. Since they are continuously reforming, Amaterasu is burning them forever.
Izuna: ( Looks like I’m on my own)
Madara: Blaze Release: Black Meteor jutsu
Madara fires a gigantic ball of Amaterasu at Izuna, who teleports away and uses Shinra Tensei. Susano’o barely moves.
Izuna: Asura path!
Izuna sprouts a series of mechanic arms to rain missiles over Madara, which don’t even scratch it. Susanoo swings the massive axes in a dual motion. They pass through Izuna.
Madara: Blaze Release: Darkness Consuming Dragon
Madara creates a giant serpent like dragon of Amaterasu, big enough to coil around Susano’o and still elevate several meters up. It roars and charges at Izuna. It follows him around at great speed. Izuna teleports around, preparing a counterstrike.
Izuna: ( Shit I’m about to become solid) The dragon touches Izuna’s left forearm before crashing into the woods, causing mayhem. Izuna slashes the arm off using his right hand.
Madara: Ika-Zuchi-no-Kami.
Izuna: ( Damn. This means my end if I don’t do something)
Several red rips appear on thin air, as if someone was slashing the air. Slowly, but steadily, a hundred dark figures appear from those space-time cracks. They have a humanoid appearance and are heavily armored. They’re faces have only one feature, and it’s Madara’s EMS on the center of the head, resembling a cyclops. No mouth, ears, or any other feature is visible. One of them, towers over the others and on the center of it’s chest, there is a hole, with something that looks like white fire dancing in there.
Izuna: ( My most treasured Mangekyou Sharingan technique, Ika-Zuchi-no-Kami … The power to call forth the hundred guardians of the pure world. Each with the potential of seal a target’s soul, and the general with the power to end a soul’s existence for eternity. I should have used this on you when I had the chance. How does Kabuto know about this? My brother, you filthy bastard. Why did you took your own brother’s eyes?)
The army marches at Izuna. He uses Shinra Tensei. The guards are thrown in all directions, but they catch up fast. They’re speed is astounding.
Izuna: ( I must use it now or I’m dead. Still, it will consume enough chakra to leave me on the verge of death. I’l alert Zetsu to pick me up as soon as this is over.)
The crippled Izuna raises a seal with it’s remaining arm.
Izuna: Mangekyou Sharingan!
Izuna’s sharingan transforms into MS. This MS consists in a fat outer black ring, with 3 black stripes uniting to the red dot at the center.
Izuna: ( Fugaku’s Sharingan… Sasuke’s father.. Only I recognized it’s potencial. It’s space-time jutsus, Akuma, make the Copy Ninja’s Kamui look like a childs play.)
Izuna: Akuma !
Izuna is flying on the Rinnegan bird’s back. He creates several holes on the fabric of space-time around Susanoo and suck everything in the vicinity into them. Susanoo is immobilized.
Madara: Blaze Release: Onyx Javelins
Several amaterasu spears pierce the bird as Izuna jumps to avoid contact. Susanoo is gone. Madara is running
Izuna: Akuma!
A giant hole appears and the soldiers are sucked into the void. Izuna is on his knees, barely breathing. Madara activates Susanoo again.
Izuna: ( It’s my chance)Preta Path!
Izuna sucks Susanoo’s chakra in and gets back to his feet. Behind the Uchiha brothers, A fiery sword pierces all the burning paths in a single swipe, and are dragged by it. Itachi with it’s full Susanoo arrived, and sealed Izuna’s paths. His eyes are wide in shock looking at Izuna.
Itachi: Uchiha Izuna, how on earth did you manage to fool me?
Three of the most skilled Uchiha’s in history meet! What will happen?
To be continued.
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