Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Naruto 554: The Emerging Darkness (Prediction)
by: Apacolypz
Naruto 544: The Emerging Darkness
Naruto leaps into the air coming down upon Raikage. Two arms form from his cloak constructing mini rasenshurikens. In his actual hands concentrating are rasengans. Raikage lifts his hand and black lighting reaches out striking Naruto. In an instant within the same move he quickly grabs Naruto's foot and slams him into the ground. Raikage: Storm Element Hidden Cloud! Rain pours from the sky drenching the land with water. Dark clouds congest the horizon with lighting flickering. As Naruto rises to his feet he notices the clouds. To himself "These clouds look like trouble."
Naruto: I will get him no matter what! As Naruto prepares to dash in the direction of the 3rd Raikage the sky glows and lightening strikes right in front of his foot. The dark purple bolt vanishes. Raikage: Storm Element Ground Hiss! All over the earth are small holes that shoot out columns of lightening. Every one of them are being controlled by Raikage via Kabuto. Naruto: This lightening seems like it has a mind of its own. I need to get in close to the Raikage if I am to hit him. This isn't going to be easy. Naruto heads off and tries to dodge the strikes as they come up from the bottom. Kabuto: It won't be that easy Naruto! The 3rd Raikage's ration techniques are by far the best known to the ninja world. Raikage lands a punch into Naruto's sternum. Naruto using his cloak extends his arms to hold on to the Raikage as he is thrown back. Naruto: I WILL NOT FAIL!!
As Naruto is flying back and Raikage in his hold a wave of lightening flashes from under Naruto's back and strikes him dead on.
Naruto is paralyzed by the intense electric current. Naruto: UGH! This is unlike anything I have ever felt...I feel like I am dying.
(Flashback) Yamato is teaching Naruto about his affinity and it's weaknesses in comparison to Sasuke.
Naruto: He isn't using Fire!!! Right now I have the advantage!!
Naruto using his cloak's arms pushes himself way up in the air! Before Naruto can notice Raikage has leaped into the air space as well. Raikage: Storm Element Laser Circus Cannon! Raikage unleashes a goliath homing ray that comes in towards Naruto's side. Naruto: This will be close! Naruto pulls six arms out of his cloak all holding Odama Rasengans! Forming somewhat of a shield the Cannon hits the Rasengans and vanishes in the spiraling jutsus. Naruto: PHEW! He glances at Raikage as they both head toward the approaching ground. Naruto: He is just as fast as the Old Raikage! I will need to hit him nonstop to break his speed and defense down.
Temari: THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN TELLING YOU!!!! Geesh...he gives me a heart attack every time!
Naruto: I GOT IT!
Naruto takes off in incredible speed running through every lightening strike coming up. He continues to run circles around the Raikage. Kabuto: What are you up to Naruto?! Naruto suddenly vanishes from Raikage's sight. Naruto: He won't be able to take this! Sitting still Naruto charges up his sage mode energy. Kabuto: Why is he just standing there? Naruto: In one strike I have to take him off his feet and totally off his guard! Raikage begins to move toward Naruto who is still sitting in his stance. Naruto: Here he comes!!! Naruto looks up to reveal sennin eyes within his bright cloak. Raikage is a hairs distance from punching Naruto face first. Naruto pushes an arm out from his gut that punches Raikage in his chin! Raikage goes flying deep into the terrain. Naruto: THIS IS IT! Naruto: KYUUBI MODE SICKLE! Naruto gets down on all fours as if the 9Tails was breaking free. He unleashes four huge cloaked tails that stretch with immense speed toward Raikage. His cloak tails form sickles that pierce the recovering Edo all at the same time. Stabbed throughout his body with blood dropping from each tail tip. Naruto: I'M NOT DONE! Naruto holds out his arm and all the tails form Rasenshurikens! Naruto: EXPAND! The Third Raikage is swallowed whole by the onslaught of power!
Dodai: AMAZING! Even with my sharingan I was unable to count how many times Raikage sama was sliced! This kid was able to match speed with the Third Raikage?! His Fuuton jutsu is the most developed jutsu of it's kind!
Temari: That's Naruto for ya! Sealing team move out now!
Kabuto: He was able to hold off long enough...With him at my side I am invincible...I know you are there....come out and play a little.......
From the shadows.....
Itachi: Every opponent has a weak spot Kabuto! At this moment, I will proudly reveal your own!
As Itachi ends his sentence a coffin pops up from the ground.
Itachi starring Kabuto dead in his eyes
Itachi:!!!!! You do not comprehend ...what you have done!
Elsewhere.................. Madara........I will show you the true power of the Uchiha!!
Sasuke flies off on his hawk overlooking the dreaded truth of war.....
Naruto 554: The Path of Darkness, He Walks (Prediction)
by: The Special One
Naruto 544: The Path of Darkness, He Walks
(Sasuke’s body is highlighted by the light that shines through the cracks.)
Sasuke (in thought): “I should get armed after I’m adjusted to my powers. (Sasuke sinisterly grins as he speaks aloud) Then, I’ll finish what I set out do-It started with Danzou and it’ll end with ‘him’… That fool better not hold back on me, he’ll face against all I represent.
(Sasuke cancels Susano-o and leaps out of the crack in the ceiling of the cavern. Sasuke lands on the top of the large skeleton that stands in front of the Akatuski Lair. Sasuke then proceeds to stretch out his arms and legs.)
Fresh air, well, sort of. The chakra in this air is like fog… It seems a lot have been going on since I’ve been resting.” (The scene switches over to the battle held between Naruto and 3rd Raikage. A huge crater receives emphasis. From the sky, Naruto lands in the crater.)
Naruto: “That woulda been too easy...” (The scene focuses on Temari and the ninja behind her; they are amazed by the Rasen Shuriken that just hit the ground moments ago.)
Temari: “I want to question why he’s here, but how did he craft such a technique? I, I’ve heard stories that an unbeatable Atakuski foe was stopped in his tracks by him, but now, I see how…”
Dotoi: “It wasn’t wise to keep an asset such as he behind lock and key for this long. With his jutsu, he might just do it.”
(The scene focuses back on the descending Black Panther technique, which attempts to smash into the crater that Naruto stands it. Naruto forms two chakra hands to assist him in the creation of Fuuton: Rasengan. Naruto leaps forward and smashes Fuuton: Rasengan into the black lightning, the spiraling winds of Naruto’s jutsu dispels the black lightning but the resulting force from the collision sends Naruto downward into the crater once more. Naruto lay on his back. He looks up and spots the 3rd Raikage engulfed in Raiton shroud, descending with his body flattened, aiming to slam his body into him from just less than 10 ft’s distance.)
Naruto (in thought): He’s just like that old boss from the cloud… (Naruto quickly recovers and dashes out of the way, the 3rd Raikage quickly fix his posture so that his feet crash into the ground. He turns to face the back of the dashing Naruto and pursues him outside of the crater. Naruto turns around only to barely dodge being stung by the 3rd Raikage’s power hand by slipping his head out of the way. Naruto decides to deliver a blow of his own, a straight right to the 3rd Raikage’s face. It does nothing, the 3rd Raikage takes this opportunity to smack Naruto’s arm out of the way, causing Naruto to squint in pain and before Naruto can react, the 3rd Raikage headbutts him. As Naruto’s dazed, the 3rd Raikage grabs Naruto’s wrists with both hands, spins him in circles, and tosses him into the air… The 3rd Raikage continues the assault by leaping in the air and side kicking Naruto in the gut.)
Naruto: “OOOUHAAA!” (Naruto crashes into the ground some distances away from the 3rd Raikage. The scene focuses on Temari and the ninja.)
Temari: “Dammit... Stand up, Naruto!”
Dodoi: “The kid has lethal ninjutsu and is quick, but he’s brawling with the best of brawlers. He must create space for his ninjutsu… That’s a sure way to fend off such a powerful close ranged shinobi. We’ll step in and provide back-up.”
Temari: “I don’t believe that’s necessary, yet.”
Dodoi: “What I said earlier was brash; perhaps it was best that he stayed locked up. We could lose this war if he’s not protected.”
Temari: “We’ll step up when he no longer can.”
Dodoi: “You certainly have a lot of faith in the boy.”
(Temari has a flashback of Naruto being overwhelmed by Neji’s taijutsu onslaught during the first chunnin exam and a quick shift to Naruto upper cutting Neji. She then remembers herself and Kankuro carrying off their defeated brother after facing off against Naruto. Flashback cuts and the scene focus on the battle.
Naruto is seen back stepping as 3rd Raikage is shown cautiously approaching forward. The 3rd Raikage launches forward as Naruto throws out a chakra arm to his own side, which is rapidly extending to a surface to grab hold of. The 3rd Raikage is seconds from smashing Naruto’s face in, however, the chakra arm catches something and Naruto is quickly zipped into a side direction by the tether. The 3rd Raikage changes directions and pursues Naruto, as Naruto’s pulling himself away.
Naruto tosses another chakra arm with his free hand as he cancels the first chakra arm with the other. Due the target being of shorter distance, Naruto’s able to pull himself into a new direction quicker. Before the Raikage can adjust properly to Naruto’s changing directions, he’s hit by a Mini Rasen Shuriken that flew through the air. As the 3rd Raikage is engulfed in a small sphere of shredding wind, Naruto quickly dashes far away, leaps into the air, and by using the chakra hands branching off of his arm, creates a Rasen Shuriken.)
Naruto: “FINALLY!” (The Rasen Shuriken nears the 3rd Raikage as he’s still pinned by the continuing destruction of the Mini Rasen Shuriken. The scene focuses on Temari and the crew as everyone rises to their feet, the scene switches over to Kabuto’s location. Kabuto chuckles as a coffin surfaces from the ground, it opens, however, the scene switches over before more than a shadow is seen within its contents. Within a dark corridor, a figure is seen from behind. On closer inspection, it is revealed to be Sasuke, donning the new long sleeved black shirt, complete with his trademark wrist guards, and the typical articles that belonged to his attire, including his sword.)
Sasuke: “It finally begins.”
Next time: Sasuke is practiced and recovered! He sets eyes on his objective.
Mitsubishi ATD-X

Mitsubishi ATD-X Development
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, Japan sought to replace its aging fleet of fighter aircraft, began making overtures to the United States on the topic of purchasing several Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor fighters for their own forces. However the U.S. Congress had banned the exporting of the aircraft in order to safeguard secrets of the aircraft's technology such as its extensive use of stealth; this rejection necessitated Japan to develop its own modern fighter, to be equipped with stealth features and other advanced systems.
A mock-up of the ATD-X was constructed and used to study the radar cross section in France in 2005. A radio-controlled 1/5 scale model made its first flight in 2006 to gain data on performance at high angles of attack and to test new sensory equipment and self-repairing flight control systems.
Following these preliminary steps, the decision was taken in 2007 to push ahead with the multi billion-yen project. At the time of this decision, production was forecast to start roughly 10 years later, around 2017. As of 2007, the ATD-X is expected to conduct its maiden flight in 2014.
Mitsubishi ATD-X Design
The ATD-X will be used as a technology demonstrator and research prototype to determine whether domestic advanced technologies for a fifth generation fighter aircraft are viable, and is a 1/3 size model of a possible full-production aircraft. The aircraft also features 3D thrust vectoring capability. Thrust is controlled in the ATD-X by the use of 3 paddles on each engine nozzle similar to the system used on the Rockwell X-31, while an axis-symmetric thrust vectoring engine is also being developed for the full scale production model. The nozzles on the prototype appear to be uncovered and might have a slight adverse effect on the aircraft's stealth characteristics.
Among the features the ATD-X is to have is a fly-by-optics flight control system, which by substituting optical fibers for wires, allows data to be transferred faster and with immunity to electromagnetic disturbance.
Its radar will be an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar called the 'Multifunction RF Sensor', which is intended to have broad spectrum agility, capabilities for electronic countermeasures (ECM), electronic support measures (ESM), communications functions, and possibly even microwave weapon functions.
A further feature will be a so-called 'Self Repairing Flight Control Capability', which will allow the aircraft to automatically detect failures or damage in its flight control surfaces, and using the remaining control surfaces, calibrate accordingly to retain controlled flight.
The JASDF is reported to have issued a request for information for engines in the 10 to 20 thousand pound thrust range to power the prototypes while Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries is to provide the engines for the completed fighter.
Specifications (ATD-X)
General characteristics
- Crew: 1
- Length: 14.174 meters (46.50 feet)
- Wingspan: 9.099 meters (29.85 feet)
- Height: 4.514 meters (14.80 feet)
- Max takeoff weight: 8 tonnes max takeoff weight alt = 17,636 pounds ()
- Powerplant: 2 × IHI XF5-1.
- Dry thrust: 10 tonnes (22,046 pounds) each
- Thrust with afterburner: 15 tonnes (33,069 pounds) each
Naruto 554: The Two of Them (Prediction)
by: Kevinyu
Naruto 554 : The Two of Them
Sasuke: Heh! Still not used with these eyes. Good thing that fool Madara and Akatsuki believed in me.
Black Zetsu appears from nowhere
Black Zetsu: What are you doing?! What the hell just happened?
Sasuke: Like, making White Zetsu look like you? I think
Sasuke's Susano'o thrusts the sword into Black Zetsu
Black Zetsu: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that flame! Tobi!!!!!!!!!!!
Sasuke: You're black, and I'm making even more blacker! Hahah! Time to pay Madara! And nii-chan, we'll get them and destroy Konoha as well. And with no one to report to Madara. I can do whatever I want.
He is shocked as he senses chakra from all over the place.
Sasuke: What's with the massive population of shinobis? Nevermind, I'm just going to take fresh air.
Sasuke gets out of the cave.
Naruto Scene:
3rd Raikage: Who are you boy?
Naruto strikes with a Rasengan
3rd Raikage: Not even fast boy.
Temari: Get the fuck out there Naruto!
Naruto: I can do it, ALONE.
Dodoi: Your ego can't beat the Raikage!
Kabuto Scene:
Kabuto: Shit!!!! The Tsuchikage has fallen! They're pissing me off, I guess.
Kabuto summons another coffin.
Kabuto: The one that the old generation of Uchiha has considered their pride, Uchiha Izuna!
A man goes near to him from behind.
Man: How was Orochimaru.
Kabuto: Sasuke???
Kabuto: Kuchiyose no Jutsu : Edo Tensei!
Sasuke: Heh, you're reviving the dead ones. Are you the one responsible for the zombies outside?
Kabuto: You got that right.
Kabuto (in mind): His Sharingan!!!
The coffin opens. Izuna appears!
Kabuto: prove your worth.
Sasuke: !!!! Who is that!!!
Kabuto: The brother of Madara!
Sasuke: !!
Izuna activates his Mangekyou
Sasuke: He also has the Mangekyou eh.
Sukhoi PAK FA

The Sukhoi PAK FA is a twin-engine jet fighter being developed by Sukhoi OKB for the Russian Air Force.
The current prototype is Sukhoi's T-50. The PAK FA, when fully developed, is intended to be the successor to the MiG-29 and Su-27 in the Russian inventory and serve as the basis of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA being developed with India. A fifth generation jet fighter, the T-50 performed its first flight 29 January 2010. Its second flight was on 6 February and its third on 12 February 2010. As of 31 August 2010, it had made 17 flights and by mid-November, 40 in total. The second prototype was to start its flight test by the end of 2010, but this was delayed until March 2011.
Sukhoi director Mikhail Pogosyan has projected a market for 1,000 aircraft over the next four decades, which will be produced in a joint venture with India, 200 each for Russia and India and 600 for other countries. He has also said that the Indian contribution would be in the form of joint work under the current agreement rather than as a joint venture. The Indian Air Force will "acquire 50 single-seater fighters of the Russian version" before the two seat FGFA is developed. The Russian Defense Ministry will purchase the first 10 aircraft after 2012 and then 60 after 2016. The first batch of fighters will be delivered with current technology engines. Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, has projected that Vietnam will be the second export customer for the fighter. The PAK-FA is expected to have a service life of about 30–35 years.
Sukhoi PAK FA Development
In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union outlined a need for a next-generation aircraft to replace its MiG-29 and Su-27 in frontline service. Two projects were proposed to meet this need, the Sukhoi Su-47 and the Mikoyan Project 1.44. In 2002, Sukhoi was chosen to lead the design for the new combat aircraft.
The Tekhnokompleks Scientific and Production Center, Ramenskoye Instrument Building Design Bureau, the Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design, the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant (Yekaterinburg), the Polet firm (Nizhniy Novgorod) and the Central Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute (Moscow) were pronounced winners in the competition held in the beginning of 2003 for the development of the avionics suite for the fifth-generation airplane. NPO Saturn has been determined the lead executor for work on the engines for this airplane.
The Novosibirsk Chkalov Aviation Production Association (NAPO Chkalov) has begun construction of the fifth-generation multirole fighter. This work is being performed at Komsomol'sk-on-Amur together with Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association; the enterprise's general director, Fedor Zhdanov reported during a visit to NAPO by Novosibirsk Oblast's governor Viktor Tolokonskiy on 6 March 2007. "Final assembly will take place at Komsomol'sk-on-Amur, and we will be carrying out assembly of the fore body of this airplane", Zhdanov specified.
On 8 August 2007, Russian Air Force Commander Alexander Zelin was quoted by Russian news agencies that the development stage of the PAK FA program is now complete and construction of the first aircraft for flight testing will now begin. Alexander Zelin also said that by 2009 there will be three fifth-generation aircraft ready. "All of them are currently undergoing tests and are more or less ready", he said. In the summer of 2009 the design was approved.
On 11 September 2010, it was reported that Indian and Russian negotiators had agreed on a preliminary design contract that would then be subject to Cabinet approval. The joint development deal would have each country invest $6 billion and take 8 to 10 years to develop the FGFA fighter. The agreement on the pre-design of the fighter was to be signed in December 2010. The preliminary design will cost $295 million and will be complete within 18 months.
On 17 August 2011, it was reported by Russian state-run media that the Sukhoi T-50 aircraft cost Russia and India $6 billion to develop, with India shouldering about 35% of the cost.
On 17 August 2011, Russian Air Force chief says the Sukhoi T-50 will enter service in 2014-2015. "We will receive a T-50 prototype in 2013," Russian Air Force commander-in-chief General Alexander Zelin told reporters. "Mass produced aircraft will not arrive until 2014-2015."
Flight testing
On 28 February 2009, Mikhail Pogosyan announced that the airframe for the aircraft was almost finished and that the first prototype should be ready by August 2009. On 20 August 2009, Sukhoi General Director Mikhail Pogosyan said that the first flight would be by year end. Konstantin Makiyenko, deputy head of the Moscow-based Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies said that "even with delays", the aircraft would likely make its first flight by January or February, adding that it would take 5 to 10 years for commercial production.
The maiden flight had been repeatedly postponed since early 2007 as the T-50 encountered unspecified technical problems. Air Force chief Alexander Zelin admitted as recently as August 2009 that problems with the engine and in technical research remained unsolved.
On 8 December 2009, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov announced that the first trials with the fifth-generation aircraft would begin in 2010. The testing, however, has commenced earlier than stated, with the first successful taxiing test taking place on 24 December 2009.
The aircraft's maiden flight took place on 29 January 2010 at KnAAPO's Komsomolsk-on-Amur Dzemgi Airport; the aircraft was piloted by Sergey Bogdan (Сергей Богдан) and the flight lasted for 47 minutes.
A second airframe was first planned to join the flight testing in the fourth quarter of 2010 but was postponed. On 3 March 2011 a second prototype was reported to have made a successful 44 minute test flight. These first two aircraft will lack radar and weapon control systems, while the third and fourth aircraft, to be added in 2011, will be fully functional test aircraft.
On 14 March 2011, the aircraft achieved supersonic flight at a test range near Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Siberia.
The T-50 was displayed publicly for the first time at the 2011 MAKS Airshow. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was in attendance.
In June 2011, an unauthorized video was made of the Sukhoi PAK FA in flight displaying a variety of acrobatic moves.
On August 21, 2011 during a take-off run at the MAKS Airshow, a brief flame appeared out of the right-hand engine before liftoff. The takeoff was aborted, braking parachutes were deployed and the aircraft returned to its park position under its own power.
Naval version
Navalized Sukhoi T-50 PAK FAs will be deployed on the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and future Russian aircraft carriers. There will be a competition between the Sukhoi, Mikoyan and Yakovlev design bureaus to choose the new naval aircraft.
Light fighter
Alexei Fedorov has said that any decision on applying fifth generation technologies to produce a smaller fighter (in the F-35 range) must wait until after the heavy fighter, based on the T-50, is completed.
Sukhoi PAK FA Design
Although most of information about the PAK FA is classified, it is believed from interviews with people in the Russian Air Force and Defense Ministry that it will be stealthy, have the ability to supercruise, be outfitted with the next generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, incorporate a fix-mounted AESA radar with a 1,500-element array and have an "artificial intellect".
According to Sukhoi, the new radar will reduce pilot load and the aircraft will have a new data link to share information between aircraft.
Composites are used extensively on the T-50 and comprise 25% of its weight and almost 70% of the outer surface. It is estimated that titanium alloy content of the fuselage is 75%. Sukhoi's concern for minimizing radar cross-section (RCS) and drag is also shown by the provision of two tandem main weapons bays in the centre fuselage, between the engine nacelles. Each is estimated to be between 4.9-5.1 m long. The main bays are augmented by bulged, triangular-section bays at the wing root.
The Moskovsky Komsomolets reported that the T-50 has been designed to be more maneuverable than the F-22 Raptor at the cost of making it less stealthy than the F-22. One of the design elements that have such an effect is the Leading Edge Vortex Controller (LEVCON).
The PAK FA SH121 radar complex includes three X-Band AESA radars located on the front and sides of the aircraft. These will be accompanied by L-Band radars on the wing leading edges. L-Band radars are proven to have increased effectiveness against very low observable (VLO) targets which are optimized only against X-Band frequencies, but their longer wavelengths reduce their resolution. However the initial prototypes will use legacy passive electronically scanned array radar.
The PAK FA will feature an IRST optical/IR search and tracking system, based on the OLS-35M which is currently in service with the Su-35S.
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited will reportedly provide the navigation system and the mission computer.
PAK FA was expected to use a pair of Saturn 117S engines on its first flights. The 117S (AL-41F1A) is a major upgrade of the AL-31F based on the AL-41F intended to power the Su-35BM, producing 142 kN (32,000 lb) of thrust in afterburner and 86.3 kN (19,400 lb) dry. In fact, PAK FA already used a completely new engine 117 (AL-41F1) in its first flight, as stated by NPO Saturn. The engine is not based on the Saturn 117S
The 117 (AL-41F1) is a new 5th generation engine custom built for Russia’s fifth-generation stealth fighter jet PAK-FA according to Sukhoi General Director Mikhail Pogosyan.Mikhail Pogosyan has clarified that claims that fifth-generation fighter allegedly has an old engine are wrong. Such claims are made by people with limited knowledge,he said.Though most parameters of the new 5th Gen Engine remains classified General Director Mikhail Pogosyan provided some information on the new engine, The engine thrust was enlarged by 2.5 tonnes when compared with the AL-31 engine, while the engine weight was cut by 150 kilograms. That allowed the new jet to supercruise i.e. move at a supersonic cruise speed without the use of after burner.
The Saturn Research and Production center made digitally-controlled system (FADEC) of Project 117 Engine.The new engine produces 33,000 lbs (147 kN) of thrust in afterburner has a Dry weight of 1420 kilogram and T:W ratio of 10.5:1
Mikhail Pogosyan further mentioned that this engine (117) meets the client’s (Russian AirForce) requirements. This is not an intermediate product made particularly for test flights. The engine will be installed in production PAK-FA fighter which will be supplied to the Russian Air Force and prospective foreign clients he said. The engine generates a larger thrust and has a complex automation system, to facilitate flight modes such as maneuverability. It is expected that each engine will be able to independently vector its thrust upwards, downward or side to side. Vectoring one engine up with the other one down can produce a twisting force. Therefore the PAK FA would be the first fifth generation fighter with full 3-D thrust vectoring along all three aircraft axes: pitch, yaw and roll. These engines will incorporate infrared and RCS reduction measures.
The PAK FA has a reported maximum weapons load of 7,500 kg. It has an apparent provision for a cannon (most likely GSh-301). It could possibly carry as many as two 30 mm cannons. It has two internal bays estimated at 4.6-4.7 metres by 1-1.1 metres. Some sources suggest two auxiliary internal bays for short range AAMS and six external hardpoints.
Two Izdeliye 810 Extended beyond visual range missiles per weapons bay. Multiple Izdeliye 180 / K77M beyond visual range missiles. K74 and K30 within visual range missiles can also be carried. Two KH38M or KH58 USHK air-to-ground missiles per weapons bay. Multiple 250–500 kg precision guided bombs per weapons bay, with a maximum of 10 bombs in internal bays. Other possible loads include one 1,500 kg bomb per weapons bay or two 400 km+ range anti-AWACS weapons on external hardpoints.
Operational history
The first flight video shows that PAK FA has no conventional rudders, its vertical tails are fully movable. This special tail fin design is mechanically similar to V-tails used by the Northrop YF-23 in 1990s, but is supplemented by dedicated horizontal stabilators (as on the F-22). The T-50 has wing leading-edge devices above the jet engine intakes that have been called a challenge for signature control.
Russia has offered the PAK-FA for South Korea's next generation jet fighter. South Korea's defence procurement agency has confirmed that the Sukhoi PAK-FA is a candidate for the Republic of Korea Air Force's next-generation fighter (F-X Phase 3) aircraft.
Sukhoi PAK FA Specifications
Because the aircraft is in development, these specifications are preliminary and are taken as estimates from the available images.
General characteristics
- Crew: 1
- Length: 19.8 m (65.9 ft)
- Wingspan: 14 m (46.6 ft)
- Height: 6.05 m (19.8 ft)
- Wing area: 78.8 m2 (848.1 ft2)
- Empty weight: 18,500 kg (40,785 lb)
- Loaded weight: 26,000 kg (57,320 lb)
- Useful load: 7,500 kg (combat load) (16,534 lb)
- Max takeoff weight: 37,000 kg (81,570 lb)
- Powerplant: 2 × New unnamed engine by NPO Saturn and FNPTS MMPP Salyut of 175 kN each. Prototype with AL-41F1 of 147 kN each, definitive version with new engine >157 kN
- Fuel capability: 10,300 kg (22,711 lb)
- Maximum speed: 2,100 - 2,500 km/h (Mach 2+) (1,300 - 1,560 mph) ; at 17,000 m (45,000 ft) altitude
- Cruise speed: 1,850 - 2,100 km/h (1,150 - 1,300 mph)
- Ferry range: 5,500 km (3417 miles)
- Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,616 ft)
- Rate of climb: 350 m/s (68,900 ft/min)
- Wing loading: 330(normal) - 470(maximum) kg/m2 (67(normal) - 96(maximum) lb/ft2)
- Thrust/weight: 1.19
- Maximum g-load: 9+ g
- Guns: None on prototype. Apparent provision for a cannon (most likely GSh-301). Possible two 30 mm cannons.
- Hardpoints: Two internal bays Other sources suggest two auxiliary internal bays for short range AAMS and six external hardpoints
N050 BRLS AFAR/AESA built by Tikhomirov NIIP and based on Tikhomirov NIIP N035 Irbis-E. It will be the second aircraft based AESA Radar to be built by Russia, the first being the Phazotron NIIR ZHUK-A Radar in the MiG-35.
Naruto 554: Naruto vs Edo Raikage (Prediction)
by: Jeanericuser
Naruto 554: Naruto vs Edo Raikage
Naruto looks at the edo raikage and smiles as he prepares to attack.
Temari thinking: "Naruto?! What is he doing here?"
Temari: "Naruto you are not supposed to be here!"
Naruto: "Its alright. Tsunade sent me to help and it looks like you could use it right now."
Temari: "So far we have had no luck against this guy. He seem to regenerate too quickly after each attack. None of us have even gotten close to taking him down."
Naruto: "Alright. Leave this one to me for now. Get the sealing team ready."
Kabuto: "I guess I still have another chance to take naruto down. Well he won't be able to get this one down as easily as he did nagato."
Naruto steadies himself and edo raikage prepares to charge. Suddenly both of them vanish instantly as only two flashes of yellow and brown go by.
Temari thinking: "What the?! Where did they go?! All I saw was a flash."
Dodori: "They both seem to be traveling at extremely high speeds. I never thought I would actually see someone who could match his speed but I think naruto is almost as fast as him."
Suddenly edo raikage appears and is stumbling as he wipes his chin with blood dripping from his mouth. Naruto is standing not to far away breathing tired as if exhausted. Edo raikage looks up at naruto and vanishes just as naruto does the same.
Temari: "Can you see what is happening?"
Dedori: "Not quite but I see faint flashes which hint that obviously both are sustaining heavy blows from the other but it appears naruto is so far at a slight advantage."
Kabuto: "Damn! I cant keep this up for long. My responce time just isnt as fast as his. Maybe this will work on him. "
Naruto and edo raikage suddenly appear with raikage attempting to hit a lariat on naruto while naruto attempts to stop the arm.
Temari: "Seal him now while he is distracted."
Several ninjas run over and attempt to attack edo raikage but he suddenly turns and hits a lariat on one followed by an uppercut on another. Suddenly naruto hits him with a rasengan to the back that slams edo raikage hard against a rock wall face first. Edo raikage stumbles as he turns around to face naruto.
Temari: "You cant beat this guy with just hand to hand. We need to work together."
Naruto thinking: "If he is gonna keep recharging like that maybe I need to hit him with something he cant recharge from."
Naruto: "Stay as far back as you can! This time he is not gonna get up."
Kabuto thinking: "What are you up to naruto?"
Edo raikage charges forward and vanishes as naruto also vanishes. Suddenly edo raikage appears and is suddenly flying upwards as if being hit by a tremendous blow to the stomach. Edo raikage looks up and suddenly sees naruto holding a rasenshuriken with two kyubi chakra arms.
Temari, dedori, kabuto: "!!!!"
Edo raikage is suddenly hit with a rasenshuriken that slams him hard into the ground. The explosion spreads wide into a huge sphere in the ground as edo raikage is heard screaming as if in tremendous pain. Naruto lands on his feet near the edge of the sphere. The sphere slowly dissipates leaving a large crater.
Naruto: "Get the sealing team over here now. He wont be getting up for a while after that one."
Kabuto slams his fist on the ground and grits his teeth in anger.
Kabuto: "Damn him! Why cant I beat you?! Wait a minute?! Whos that?!"
Sasuke is standing in front of several alliance shinobi who are getting ready to attack him while an edo ninja watches from behind a bush.
Naruto 555: Sasuke vs the Ninja Alliance
Sukhoi/HAL FGFA - Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft

The Sukhoi/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) is a fifth-generation fighter being developed by Russia and India. It is a derivative project from the PAK FA (T-50 is the prototype) being developed for the Indian Air Force (FGFA is the official designation for the Indian version).
Two separate prototypes will be developed, one by Russia and a separate one by India. According to HAL chairman A.K. Baweja shortly after the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Committee meeting on 18 September 2008, the Russian version of the aircraft will be a single-seater, the Indian version will be a twin seater, analogous to the Su-30MKI which is a twin seat variant of the baseline Su-27.
A contract between Bangalore-based Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) and Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), will commit to building 250 fighters for the IAF and an equal number for Russia. The option for further orders will be kept open. HAL and UAC will be equal partners in a joint venture company, much like the Brahmos JV, that will develop and manufacture the FGFA. Further it was reported that the Bangalore-based HAL has negotiated firmly to get a 25 per cent share of design and development work in the FGFA programme. HAL’s work share will include critical software, including the mission computer; navigation systems; most of the cockpit displays; the counter measure dispensing (CMD) systems; and modifying Sukhoi’s single-seat prototype into the twin-seat fighter that the Indian Air Force (IAF) wants. Further Russia’s expertise in titanium structures will be complemented by India’s experience in composites like in the fuselage. A total of 500 aircraft are planned with option for further aircraft. Russian Air Force will have 200 single seated and 50 twin-seated PAK FAs while Indian Air Force will get 200 twin-seated and 50 single seated FGFAs.
Sukhoi director Mikhail Pogosyan has projected a market for 1000 aircraft over the next four decades, two hundred each for Russia and India and six hundred for other countries. Russian Trade Minister Viktor Khristenko said that the aircraft are to be jointly developed and produced with India and both countries will "share benefits from selling the plane not only on their domestic markets, but also on the markets of third countries."
The Indian media also use the term FGFA generically to refer to any fifth generation fighter aircraft.Sukhoi/HAL FGFA Development
The joint-venture borrows heavily from the success of the Brahmos project. Russia and India had agreed in early 2007 to jointly study and develop a Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Programme (FGFA). On October 27, 2007, Asia Times quoted Sukhoi's director, Mikhail Pogosyan, "We will share the funding, engineering and intellectual property in a 50-50 proportion." The Indian version, according to the deal, will be different from the Russian version and specific to Indian requirements. While the Russian version will be a single-pilot fighter, the Indian variant will have a twin-seat configuration based on its operational doctrine which calls for greater radius of combat operations. The wings and control surfaces need to be reworked for the FGFA. Although, development work has yet to begin, the Russian side has expressed optimism that a test article will be ready for its maiden flight by 2009, one year after PAK FA scheduled maiden flight and induction into service by 2015.
According to HAL chairman A.K. Baweja on 16 September 2008, HAL will be contributing largely to composites, cockpits and avionics. HAL is working to enter into a joint development mechanism with Russia for the evolution of the FGFA engine as an upward derivative of the AL-37. By February 2009 as per Sukhoi general director Mikhail Pogosyan India will initially get the same PAK FA fighter of Russia and the only difference will be the software.
Difference between PAK FA and FGFA
The difference between PAK FA and the FGFA will be similar to that between Su-30M and Su-30MKI. Su-30M is a standard Russian version of a plane, whereas the Su-30MKI (MKI stands for "Modernizirovannyi Kommercheskiy Indiski" meaning "Modernized Commercial India") was jointly-developed with India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for the Indian Air Force. The Su-30MKI includes 2.5D Thrust Vectoring Control (TVC) and canards. It is equipped with a multi-national avionics complex sourced from India, Israel, Russia and France. Further the FGFA will be predominantly using weapons of Indian origin such as Astra, a BVR Beyond Visual Range missile being developed by India, although in keeping with the Russian BVR doctrine of using a vast variety of different missiles for versatility and unpredictability to countermeasures, it can be expected to have compatibility with many different missile types. Ashok Baweja stated that "The Indian FGFA is significantly different from the Russian PAK FA because a second pilot means the addition of another dimension, development of wings and control surfaces."
The FGFA may also include systems developed by third parties.
Sukhoi/HAL FGFA Design
Although there is no reliable information about the PAK FA and FGFA specifications yet, it is known from interviews with people in the Russian Air Force that it will be stealthy, have the ability to supercruise, be outfitted with the next generation of air-to-air, air-to-surface, and air-to-ship missiles, and incorporate an AESA radar. The FGFA will use on its first flights 2 Saturn 117S engines (about 14.5 ton thrust each). The 117S is an advanced version of the AL-31F, but built with the experience gained in the AL-41F program. The AL-41F powered the Mikoyan MFI fighter (Mikoyan Project 1.44). Later versions of the PAK FA will use a completely new engine (17.5 ton thrust each), developed by NPO Saturn or FGUP MMPP Salyut.
Three Russian companies will compete to provide the engines with the final version to be delivered in 2015-2016.
Speaking to Flight magazine, United Aircraft chief Mikhail Pogosyan denied India is simply providing funding for Russian designers to produce a modified aircraft for the Indian air force's requirements. He said India is giving engineering inputs covering latest airframe design, Hi-Tech software development and other systems.
Specifications (PAK FA and FGFA - projected)
Most of these figures are for the single seat Sukhoi T-50 and not the finished PAK FA or two seat HAL FGFA.
General characteristics
- Crew: 2 (pilot)
- Length: 22.0 m (72 ft 2 in)
- Wingspan: 14.2 m (46 ft 7 in)
- Height: 6.05 m (19 ft 10 in)
- Wing area: 78.8 m² (848 ft²)
- Empty weight: 18,500 kg (40,786 lb)
- Loaded weight: 26,000 kg (57,320 lb)
- Useful load: 7,500 kg (16,535 lb)
- Max takeoff weight: 37,000 kg (81,571 lb)
- Powerplant: 2 × Saturn-Lyulka AL-41F turbofan
- Dry thrust: 96.1 kN (9,800 kgf, 21,605 lbf) each
- Thrust with afterburner: 152 kN (15,500 kgf, 34,172 lbf) each
- Maximum speed: 2,100 km/h (Mach 2) (1,305 mph)
- g-limits: (10-11 g)
- Cruise speed: 1,300 km/h (800 mph)
- Combat radius: 1,500 km
- Ferry range: 5,500 km (3,400 mi)
- Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,617 ft)
- Rate of climb: 350 m/s (68,898 ft/min)
- Wing loading: 330(normal) - 470(maximum) kg/m2 (67(normal) - 96(maximum) lb/ft2)
- Thrust/weight: 1.19
- Runway: 350 m (1,148 ft)
- Endurance: 3.3 hrs (198 mins)
- Guns: 2× 30 mm internal cannon
- Hardpoints: 16 total, 8 internal, 8 on wings.
- Radar: N050(?)BRLS AESA/PESA Radar (Enhancement of IRBIS-E) on SU-35
- Frequency: X (8 - 12 GHz)
- Diameter: 0.7 m (2 ft 4 in)
- Targets: 32 tracked, 8 engaged
- Range: > 400 km (248 mi)
- EPR: 3 m² (32.3 ft²) at 400 km (248 mi)
- RCS: 3 m ² to 400 km, 1 m ² to 300 km, 0.5 m ² to 240 km, 0.1m ² to 165 km, 0.01M ² to 90 km.
- Azimuth: 240 ° (± 120 °)
- Power: 5,000 W
- Weight: 65 to 80 kg (143 to 176 lb)
Chengdu J-20 Stealth Air Superiority Fighter

Chengdu J-20 Development
The J-20 was one of the stealth fighter programs under the codename J-XX that was launched in the late 1990s. It was designated “Project 718”, and won the PLAAF endorsement in a 2008 competition against a Shenyang proposal that was reportedly even larger than J-20. Two prototypes (#2001-01 & #2001–02) have been built as of the end of 2010.
On 22 December 2010, the J-20 was under-going high speed taxiing tests outside the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute with no confirmed flight tests. The J-20 made its first flight, which lasted about 20 minutes, on 11 January 2011.
Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper has testified that the United States has known about the program for a "long time" and that the test flight was not a surprise.
Flight testing
The J-20 made its first flight, lasting about 15 minutes, on 11 January 2011. A Chengdu J-10S served as the chase aircraft. After the successful first flight, a ceremony was held. The test pilot of the J-20, Li Gang, Chief designer Yang Wei and General Li Andong (Deputy-Director of General Armaments Department, and Director of Science and Technology Commission of General Armaments Department of the PLA since 2000) attended the ceremony.
China thus became the third nation in the world to "develop and test-fly a full-size stealth combat aircraft demonstrator", after the United States and Russia. The Guardian reported that experts, on the one hand, expressed "surprise" at the speed with which the aircraft was developed, but on the other hand "said the country's military prowess was still relatively backward and way behind that of the US" and that its military interests were limited to its region.
The first test flight coincided with a visit of United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to China, and was initially interpreted by Pentagon officials and media pundits as a possible signal to the visiting delegation from the U.S. However, after meeting with senior Chinese officials including Chinese President Hu Jintao, Secretary Gates remarked, "The civilian leadership seemed surprised by the test and assured me it had nothing to do with my visit." Jin Canrong, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing who specializes in China-U.S. relations, suggested that President Hu's ignorance of the test raises questions about the nature of civilian control of the Chinese military.] However, as Michael Swaine, an expert on the PLA and United States – China military relations, explained, although it's possible and even likely that "senior officials in the Chinese leadership did not know that this flight test would occur on this precise day," this is not necessarily evidence of a military-backed effort to insult Secretary Gates' delegation or embarrass President Hu. Rather, decisions regarding the production, development and testing of such military aircraft are routinely managed by engineers and low-level officials more than by senior civilian or military leadership. Coupled with the fact that there was relatively limited coverage of the event in Chinese media initially, it is likely that the test may not have been considered a significant enough event to warrant notification to President Hu.
A second test flight of an hour and twenty minutes took place on 17 April 2011. On 5 May 2011, a 55 minute test flight included retraction of the landing gear.
The full initial test program of 10 to 20 test flights is expected to take years to complete.
Technology transfer
China probably declined to participate in joint development and production of new fifth generation fighter with Russia given the belief that Russia stood to gain more from Chinese participation. Chinese leaders may have determined that their design was superior to the Russian PAK FA. United States House Committee on Armed Services chairman Howard McKeon said on the J-20 "my understanding is that they built it on information that they received from Russia, from a Russian plane, that they were able to copy". MiG spokeswoman Yelena Fyodorova has denied that any of the project 1.44 materials had been provided to China.
Balkan military officials told the Associated Press that China and Russia may have adopted some stealth technology from a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, which was shot down by the Serbian military in 1999 during the Kosovo war. If Chinese experts used the F-117 stealth coatings, the result would be decades behind current American state-of-the-art. However, Chinese test pilot Xu Yongling said that the J-20 was a "masterpiece" of home-grown innovation, he also said the F-117 technology was already "outdated" even at the time it was shot down, and could not be applied to a next-generation stealth jet. Janes editor James Hardy agrees that it was unlikely China would have learned much from the wreckage.
Retired USAF General Thomas G. McInerney has suggested that the J-20 design may have been based on cyber-espionage of the Lockheed Martin FB-22 project.
A federal prosecutor has suggested that China may have used technology from the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit for their stealth aircraft which was supplied by Noshir Gowadia.
Chief of the Air Staff of the Indian Air Force Pradeep Vasant Naik has suggested that the J-20 is entirely reverse engineered with no Chinese R&D involved, and questioned if the practice was ethical. The Deccan Chronicle has called Naik's comment an "unusual outburst of helplessness" as China surpasses Indian airpower.
Russian military commentator Ilya Kramnik conjectures that China is still 10 to 15 years behind the United States and Russia in fighter technology and may not be able to manufacture all the advanced composite materials, avionics and sensor packages needed for such aircraft, and could instead turn to foreign suppliers. However, he speculates that China may be able to produce the J-20 at a cost 50% to 80% lower than US and Russian fifth-generation jet fighters, and that potential customers may include Pakistan, the Middle East, Latin America, Southeast Asia and the richest countries in Africa. Konstantin Sivkov of the Academy for Geopolitical Issues argued that the US is correct to be alarmed at the progress of Chinese military technology. Mikhail Pogosyan, head of the United Aircraft Corporation, has claimed that the Chinese program is more a demonstration and that they lack the scale and experience to complete the project.
Bill Sweetman speculates that China will have problems meeting its production requirements, as it has several other jet fighter projects in production. Aviation Week raised the question of whether the aircraft is a prototype, like the Sukhoi T-50, or a technology demonstrator similar to the Lockheed YF-22.
Chengdu J-20 Design
The J-20 is a single-seat, twin-engine aircraft which appears to be somewhat larger and heavier than the comparable Sukhoi T-50 and Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. Bill Sweetman estimates that it is approximately 75 feet (23 m) in length, has a wingspan of 45 feet (14 m) or more, and is expected to have a takeoff weight of 75,000 to 80,000 pounds (34,000 to 36,000 kg) with internal stores only. The prototype could be powered by twin 32,000 pounds (15,000 kg) thrust Saturn 117S engines provided by Russia, a sign of problems in the development of the aircraft, according to Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan. Chinese sources have claimed that production aircraft will be powered by two 13,200 kilograms (29,000 lb)/WS-10 class high thrust turbofan engines fitted with Thrust Vector Controlled (TVC) nozzles, both made in China. However Richard Aboulafia has said that the WS-10 engine has suffered catastrophic failures in flight. The best estimates are that China will take five to ten years to perfect the fifth generation jet engines needed for the J-20.
The J-20 may have lower supercruise speed (yet greater range) and less agility than a Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor or PAK FA, but might also have larger weapons bays and carry more fuel. The J-20 has a long and wide fuselage and low jet engine intakes with a forward chine, a main delta wing, forward canards, a bubble canopy, conventional round engine exhausts and canted all-moving fins. The front section of the J-20 is similarly chiseled as the F-22 Raptor and the body and tail resemble those of the Sukhoi T-50 prototype. As early photographs of the prototype surfaced, Bill Sweetman commented that the design may suggest a large, long range ground attack aircraft, not unlike a "stealth version" of the General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark. Douglas Barrie has noted that the canard-delta configuration with canted vertical fins appears to resemble the MiG 1.42. Yet, Barrie notes that key differences include greater forward fuselage shaping as the basis for low observable characteristics, along with the different engine intake configuration. It is suspected that cyberespionage may have assisted the development of the J-20, with information used by subcontractors of Lockheed Martin for the F-35 project in particular having been significantly compromised during development of the J-20.
The J-20 has a pair of all-moving tailfins that are swept back in the F-35 style instead of being trapezoid like the F-22 and PAK-FA tails and ventral stabilizing fins. It also has an F-22 style nose section, but with F-35 style dropped nose, forward swept intake cowls with diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI) bumps and a one-piece canopy. It was reported in November 2006 that a T/W=10 17,000 kilograms (37,000 lb) class turbofan (WS-15/"large thrust") was being developed for the J-20. One (#2001-01) prototype is fitted with AL-31F, the other (#2001–02) is fitted with the improved WS-10G with a new "stealth" nozzle possibly to reduce RCS and IR emission.
The J-20 may become the first operational combat aircraft that carries sufficient fuel to supercruise throughout its missions, doubling its sortie rate.
Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell has said that it was premature to call the J-20 a stealth fighter or to judge if it had any other fifth generation characteristics.
The production J-20 may incorporate an advanced fly-by-wire (FBW) system fully integrated with the fire-control and the engine systems. Its fire-control radar is expected to be Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) (Type 1475/KLJ5).
According to recent pictures from the internet, two small dark diamond shaped windows can be seen on both sides of the nose, which could house certain EO sensors, such as MAWS and/or IRST. Two additional windows are seen underneath the rear fuselage, plus two more on top of the forward fuselage above the canard wings, suggesting a distributed situational awareness system similar to the EODAS onboard American F-35 was installed providing a full 360° coverage.
The aircraft features a "pure" glass cockpit (two large color liquid crystal display (LCD) and several smaller ones and a wide-angle holographic head-up display (HUD)). Many of these subsystems have been tested onboard J-10Bs to speed up the development.
The J-20 has a large belly weapon bay for short/long-range air-to-air missiles (AAM) (PL-10, PL-12C/D & PL-21) and two smaller lateral weapon bays behind the air inlets for short-range AAMs (PL-10).
One photo depicts the same air to air loadout as the F-22, that is six medium range and two short range air to air missiles.
Carlo Kopp has suggested that the J-20's overall stealth shaping is "without doubt considerably better" than the F-35 and PAK FA, but he agrees with others, such as Shih Hiao-wei of Defense International monthly and Bill Sweetman of Aviation Week, that some parts on the J-20 will challenge its ability to remain stealthy from all directions: "The aft fuselage, tailbooms, fins/strakes and axi-symmetric nozzles are not compatible with high stealth performance, but may only be stop-gap measures to expedite flight testing of a prototype." As of January 2011 the engine nozzles were clearly non-stealthy; this may be due to the fact that the final "fifth generation" engines had not been completed yet. However, one of the prototypes uses WS-10G engines with stealthy jagged-edge nozzles and tiles.
Robert Gates has also questioned how stealthy the J-20 might be although he did say the development of the J-20 had the potential to "put some of our capabilities at risk, and we have to pay attention to them, we have to respond appropriately with our own programs.” Kopp and Goon have further speculated that the J-20 is designed to operate as a heavy interceptor, destroying opposing AWACS and tanker aircraft. If true, this would make it more similar to a MiG-25 with stealth capability. Sweetman agrees that this is the most likely role for such a large aircraft with low thrust to weight ratio and limited agility that is optimized for range and speed. Lewis Page has said that it is unlikely that the Chinese will soon have an American style Low Probability of Intercept Radar and so the J-20 would be limited to attacking ground targets like previous generations of American stealth aircraft such as the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk. In that case the J-20 would carry a radar, but using it would instantly give away its location. However, the J-20 is expected to use a AESA radar, which should have Low Probability of Intercept modes. Given that the F-35 can already track and jam even the F-22's radar, this might not be sufficient.
Loren B. Thompson has said that this combination of forward sector only stealth and long range will allow the J-20 to make attacks on surface targets while the United States lacks sufficient bases for F-22s in the area to counter these attacks and American allies have no comparable aircraft. Thompson has also said that a long-range maritime strike aircraft may cause the United States more trouble than a shorter range air-superiority fighter like the F-22. The Pentagon's 2011 report on the Chinese military agrees that the J-20 is "a platform capable of long range, penetrating strikes into complex air defense environments."
A canard delta offers greater efficiency in both subsonic and supersonic flight (which may help supercruise range), but it is unknown if the Chinese have the same software used on the Eurofighter Typhoon to control the otherwise non-stealthy canards. Teal Group analyst Richard Aboulafia has also raised doubts about the use of canards on a design that is intended to be low-observable: “There’s no better way of guaranteeing a radar reflection and compromise of stealth”. Aboulafia has also called the J-20 a kludge made of mismatched parts and questioned if the Chinese have the skills or technology to produce a true fifth generation fighter. Nevertheless, canards greatly boost the aircraft's maneuverability over that of a pure delta wing without canards. Sweetman notes that the canard delta works with the Whitcomb area rule for a large-volume mid-body section supersonic aircraft. Also, while the DSI intakes are easier to maintain than more complex stealth-compatible intakes, such as on the F-22, their fixed form limits the aircraft to around Mach 2.0. J.D. McFarlan of Lockheed Martin has said that the J-20 DSI inlets resemble those of the F-35, but it is unclear if the Chinese have perfected their own design.
Kanwa Andrew Chan, editor-in-chief of Hong Kong Military News Agency, questioned the J-20's stealth among other parameters saying that it cannot yet match its competitors—the Russian T-50 and U.S. F-22—due to lack of engine power, the inability to fly at supersonic speeds, and shortcomings in its radar system and stealth, calling it a 4+ generation fighter in its current state.
Chengdu J-20 Specifications
Because the aircraft is in development, these specifications are preliminary and are taken as estimates from the available images.
General characteristics
- Crew: 1
- Length: 70 ft (21.26 m)
- Wingspan: 42 ft (12.88 m)
- Height: 4.45m (14.6 ft)
- Wing area: 630 ft^2 ()
- Max takeoff weight: 66,000–80,000 lb (34,000 - 37,000 kg)
- Powerplant: 2 × 117S and WS-10G turbofans (prototypes); WS-15 (production) turbofans
- Dry thrust: Unknown () each
- Thrust with afterburner: 31,900 lb (117S); 32,845 (WS-10G); 40,500 (WS-15) (142 kN for 117S; 155 kN for WS-10G; 180 kN for WS-15) each
- Guns: None on prototype.
Expected to have internal and external hardpoints for missiles, bombs and fuel tanks.
KAI KF-X Multirole Fighter Aircraft

The Korea Aerospace Industries KF-X is a South Korean program to develop an advanced multirole fighter for the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) and Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU), spearheaded by South Korea with Indonesia as the primary partner. It is South Korea's second fighter development program following the FA-50.
The project was first announced by South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung at the graduation ceremony of the Air Force Academy in March 2001. South Korea and Indonesia had agreed to cooperate in the production of KF-X warplanes in Seoul on July 15, 2010. The initial operational requirements for the KF-X program as stated by the ADD (Agency for Defence Development) were to develop a single-seat, twin-engine jet with stealth capabilities beyond either the Dassault Rafale or Eurofighter Typhoon, but still less than the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The overall focus of the program is producing a fighter with higher capabilities than a KF-16 class fighter by 2020.KAI KF-X Design and development
According to the Weapon Systems Concept Development and Application Research Center of Konkuk University, the KF-X is intended to be a superior than KF-16 which would replace South Korea's aging F-4D/E Phantom II and F-5E/F Tiger II aircraft, with production numbers estimated to be over 250 aircraft. Compared to KF-16, the KF-X will have a 50% greater combat radius, 34% longer airframe lifespan, better avionics including a domestically produced AESA radar, and better electronic warfare, IRST, and datalink capabilities. Operational requirements also specify approx 50,000 pounds of thrust provided by one or preferably two engines, high-speed interception and supercruise capabilities, basic stealth technology, and multirole capabilities. There are currently two competing designs for the KFX, the KFX-201 which has a tri-plane layout with canards and a more conventional, Single Engine F-35 style KFX-101 design.
South Korea will fund 60% of the aircraft's development, and expects foreign partners to provide the remaining 40% of the development funding. South Korea possesses 63% of the necessary technology to produce the KF-X, and is therefore seeking cooperation from Indonesian Aerospace, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Saab, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin to develop the KF-X. About 120 KF-Xs would be built initially and more than 130 aircraft would be produced additionally after the first-phase models reach operational capability. The cost of each KF-X aircraft is estimated to be roughly $50 million +.
In October 2009 a retired general in the South Korean Air Force was arrested for leaking classified documents to Swedish aviation and defence corporation Saab. The general was to have been given a bribe of several hundred thousand dollars for copies of a number of secret documents that he had photographed in the South Korean Defence University. Saab officials denied any involvement.
On 15 July 2010, the Indonesia government agreed to fund 20% of KF-X project cost in return of around 50 planes built for Indonesian Air Force after project completion. In September 2010, Indonesia sent a team of legal and aviation experts to South Korea to discuss copyright issues of the aircraft.
On 7 September 2010, Maj. Gen. Choi Cha-kyu, director general of the aircraft program bureau at the Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said that Turkey was interested in joining the program.
On 15 December 2010, a senior Turkish procurement official said that "What we need is a true and equal partnership for the development of a fighter. The problem is that South Korea is not likely to agree to an equal partnership".
In December 2010 the program shifted from a F-16 class fighter to a stealth aircraft in order to respond to North Korean pressure.
On 2 August 2011, a joint research center was opened in Daejeon.
Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

AMCA Development
In August 2006, India's then defence minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee announced in Parliament that the government is evaluating experiences gained from the Tejas programme for the MCA.
In October 2008, the Indian Air Force asked the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) to prepare a detailed project report on the development of a Medium Combat Aircraft (MCA) incorporating stealth features.
In February 2009, ADA director P.S Subramanyam said at a Aero-India 2009 seminar, that they are working closely with Indian Air Force to develop a Medium Combat Aircraft. He added that according to the specification provided by the Indian Air Force, it would likely be a twenty ton aircraft powered by two GTX Kaveri engines.
In April 2010, the Indian Air Force issued the Air Staff requirements (ASR) for the AMCA which placed the aircraft in the twenty five ton category.
AMCA Design
The AMCA will be designed with a very small radar cross-section and will also feature serpentine shaped air-intakes, internal weapons and the use of composites and other materials.
It will be a twin-engined design using the GTX Kaveri engine with thrust vectoring with the possibility of giving the aircraft supercruise capabilities. A wind-tunnel testing model of the MCA airframe was seen at Aero-India 2009.
As well as advanced sensors the aircraft will be equipped with missiles like DRDO Astra and other advanced missiles, stand-off weapons and precision weapons. The aircraft will have the capability to deploy JDAM's. The aircraft will feature Extended detection range and targeting range with the ability to release weapons at supersonic speeds. The aircraft's avionics suite will include AESA radar IRST and appropriate Electronic warfare systems and all aspect missile warning suite.
As of August 2011, the aircraft is in its preliminary design phase. The final design is expected to be shown to the air force by 2012, after which full scale development on the aircraft may start.