Mectron MAA-1B is in the final stage of development. This new version of the Piranha, fits as a 4th generation missile with "off boresigh", about 90°, and a greater range of 50%, as well as greater maneuverability achieved by changing the aerodynamics of the flight controls of the original missile. The MAA-1B is capable of being appointed by the aircraft's radar or the HMD helmet. It will be a 4th generation missile, Brazilian air force has entered in the A-DARTER program and is already developing a 5th generation missile to be used with the MAA-1B.
Piranha missile
The Mectron / CTA / IAE / Avibras presented a new set of air-air missile MAA-1B (Bravo) during LAAD 2007. The missile uses the main structure of the fuselage, the warhead and proximity fuze and impact of the MAA-1 A (Alpha), the rest being completely new. The new dual-band sensor (UV and IR) has 80% of nationalization, with great capability against countermeasures, high off-boresight capability (up to 90 degrees) with a very high speed browser and can be pointed at the target by radar at the pilot's helmet or perform autonomous search. The autopilot is programmed to monitor the type "lag pursuit" in a frontal engagement similar to the Python 4.
The canard configuration is of type double, with four plus four fixed canards canards large furniture. More than two fins were added to control the spin. The withdrawal of rollerons suggests that the missile has a digital autopilot system that is necessary for high-speed missiles. The actuator has twice the power of the actuators of the Alpha model and can pull 60 g's. The engine will have new propellant "smokeless" increased the range up to 50% with boost from two stages that burn for six seconds instead of two seconds of the MAA-1A. The pilot can choose the type of mode of operation according to the threat, optimizing performance for each target. The length and diameter were kept, but the weight increased a little. The software will be different for the F-5em not perceive it as being a MOR-1A and not enjoy its full capacity. The IR sensor of iridium antimonide and lead telluride has six elements with large search range.
The missile can be considered the Fourth Generation, regarded by experts as superior to the Russian R-73 but less than the Israeli Python 4, with much lower price than similar ones on the market. The estimated cost is $ 250-300 thousand.
The period of development was much faster in the light of lessons learned from the MAA-1A. The project was started in 2005 with the pre-series production is planned for the second half of 2008, with testing and approval by the end of 2008. The operation is scheduled for 2009. Project MAA-1B received a budget of $ 3 million in 2006. Also in 2006 was completed the eighth stage of the project (11 in total). The conclusion of the eleventh phase is expected for October 2008. A series of pre-MAA-1B should be ready in the third quarter of 2009 when the tests will be started. The assessment should be operational in 2010. In November 2008 tests were conducted three missile engines MAA-1B in Avibras.
A lot of Python 5 (or Python 4) to arm the F-5EM/FM is still scheduled for 2007, along with the looks and concepts similar to the Python 4, which off-sets technology may be being used in the MAA-1B. The joint project of the A-Darter fifth-generation, with the South African continues and should end around 2015, but may have accelerated the project.
First tests of MAA-1B
Tests of three solid propellant engines of the missile MAA-1B. The tests were part of the stage of proof requirements and were successful. The improvement of the propulsion system of the missile is being conducted jointly by the IAE (Institute of Aeronautics and Space), and Mectron Avibrás.
The Mectron MAA-1B will have a director IR (infrared) bichromatic with viewing angle of 90 degrees and can distinguish between true targets and systems deception fireworks (flare).
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