Thursday, March 10, 2011

US Military Spending Increase $22 billion above the 2010 appropriation

The President's 2012 Budget for the Department of Defense (DOD) reflects that commitment, proposing $553 billion - an increase of $22 billion above the 2010 appropriation.

The Budget includes a series of management and acquisition reforms that will produce a net of $78 billion in savings through 2016. Cost-cutting measures include the consolidation of several Air Force operation centers, reduced Army construction costs, and the Navy's use of multi-year procurement strategies. DOD supports the provision of an additional $2.2 billion for National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) weapons activities between 2013 and 2016. These funds will enhance the reliability of the Nation’s nuclear weapons complex and support the goals of the Nuclear Posture Review as the U.S. and Russia implement the New START Treaty.

The incremental costs of funding Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), including ongoing efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, are funded separately in the 2012 Budget.

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