Friday, July 31, 2009

The Special One Prediction - Naruto 459

NARUTO Spoilers and Manga (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by The Special One to re-post all his writings and predictions.

Naruto Chapter 459: The Final Agreement
by: The Special One

(The Room is in uproar with the comming decision of the Lord of the Iron.)

"Konoha! This damn meeting came about because of Konoha's Hokage was weak-kneed and listened to the helplessness of a pathetic child. Now that missing-nin kidnapped my brother, the real chance we had against Akatuski. I don't trust you or your damned Host," yelled Raikage.

"Although, I hate to agree with Raikage for once, how do we know Konoha's host is up for the challenge. From what I was told, he's only a kid and no kid could have the potential to master a monstrocity such as the Kyuubi," said Tsuchikage.

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"Hey Gaara. Isn't that Naruto kid the host their talking about," asked Kankuro. "Yeah, I remember Gaara saying Akatuski was after him to," said Temari. "Naruto huh. I think he has what it takes," said Gaara. "I don't think that will convince them though," said Kankuro.

"You guys know of this host," asked Mizukage. "Yes. He helped save me from Akatuski. He also stopped me from going on a rampage three years ago. I have faith in his ability," said Gaara. "I'm not trusting the words of a child, one who fell victim to his own bijuu," said Tsuchikage.

"Naruto. You don't mean that pathetic excuse for a shinobi that sobbed like a wimp. That kid doesn't have what it takes to be a shinobi," said Raikage.

"You've met Uzumaki Naruto," said Danzou. "Yeah, that punk approached me and tried to convince me in forgiving Uchiha Sasuke," said Raikage. "So, Sai failed me. Anyway, he was only acting that way because of Sasuke. After all, they were very close. If his opponent is Akatuski, I have faith in his ability," said Danzou.

"How, give me proof said," Raikage. "Uzumaki Naruto has grown into a fine shinobi under the training of Hatake Kakashi and the Sannin, the Legendary Toad Sage Jiraiya," said Danzou. "Jiraiya he's dead, I heard Akatuski got em," said Raikage. "Another legend bites the dust. First it was Orochimaru," said Tsuchikage.

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"That was from Uchiha Sasuke, he wasn't part of Akatuski than from my sources," said Danzou. "It seems Sasuke has become dark and followed the course that darkened his eyes," said Gaara.

"Jiraiya lost his life to Madara's most trusted man, Pain. A man that carried the legendary dojutsu, Rinnegan," said Danzou. "A bloodline such as that actually exists. Makes for an interesting specimen. It is no wonder that even the great Jiraiya died," said Raikage.

"Pain was undefeated. We, Root, studied his movements and Akatuski for years. No one was able to defeat him. Except for Naruto," said Danzou.

"WHAT," yelled Raikage. "Impossible, against the Legendary dojutsu that shaped shinobi techniques," said Tsuchikage. "Naruto. How strong have you gotten," said Gaara. "This kid must be no joke to defeat something like that," said Mizukage.

"He has become a Sage just like Jiraiya and is without of a doubt a hero in our village. When Pain came to our village, he reduced it to rubble, but he alone toppled Pain and with that strength, I believe we can put an end to Akatuski. He transformed into the 8 tails, but managed to reverse back. Whether that had something to do with his seal is unknown, but surely Kakashi and Yamato an inheirtor of the 1st Hokage's genes are able to work something out so we can control Naruto. He is also the son of the feared Yellowflash," said Danzou.

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(Tsuchikage punches the table as well.)

"You don't mean THE YELLOW FLASH OF KONOHA," said Tsuchikage. "The very same. The same man that reduced your troops into mush during the 3rd shinobi war. He was the former 4th Hokage and he sealed the 9 tails within his son to face Madara. It seems he saw things our way," said Danzou.

"Namikaze Minato . Even I've heared of him," said Raikage.

"It seems the Hokage has caught everyone's attention. We will aid as much as you can. We strike in two years time. Use that to gather your forces.. From what I've heard, Akatuski has military strength that rivals multiple nations. Over the years of disarmament, they've been getting stronger, but with the time we have, and the aid of the 5 great nations, 2 years will be enough. It has been several years over a decade since the last shinobi war since Madara has been gathering men, but like I said earlier, we have 5 nations. We can divide the time amongst us appropriately. My samurai will also be preparing for the battle," said," Mifune.

"Hmm. TO think I'd be relying on those Konoha fools again. Hmph, makes me sick to my stomach," said Raikage.

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(Danzou thinks in his head.)

"Finally the time has arised. Konoha will rise again as the most prestigious nation. And we have a long grueling war for Konoha to gain experience in. Naruto, you will play out your allotted part," said Danzou.

(Zetsu's face pulls back in.)

(Switch Scene to Falcon.)

"So basically that's what is going down," said Light Zetsu. "Damn. Akatuski is sure getting to be a hot place. I don't know if I want to stick around longer," said Suigetsu. "What should we do Sasuke? Should we wait out the two years or strike soon. If Madara is a strong as they say, we could put up a chance a strike Danzou during the conflict," said Karin.

"It is up to you Sasuke," said Juugo. "I'll wait out the two years. If Madara is as strong as they say and his army is so massive. Destroying Danzou and Konoha may go hand in hand," said Sasuke.

"This Naruto guy sounds like the real deal. We'll need time to prepare definately," said Suigetsu. "Hmm. He's just an obstancle in my way. I'll cross him as I did Orochimaru," said Sasuke.

Next Chapter: The preparations for War on Akatuski. How will Naruto respond to this?

Naruto Manga Chapter 459 Spoilers

Naruto Manga Chapter 459 Spoilers and Predictions, What will happen on Naruto Chapter 459? What's the new Spoilers and predictions?

Will the meeting become battlefield? Let's see in Naruto Chapter 459

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Naruto 458 (English)

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jeanne d'Arc (R 97) Cruiser, French Navy Battleship

The Jeanne d'Arc (R97) is a helicopter cruiser of the French Navy. Jeanne d'Arc French Navy Battleship Cruiser is the third vessel of the French Navy named after Joan of Arc ("Jeanne d'Arc", in French), a national heroine of France and saint of the Catholic Church who repelled the English invasion during the Hundred Years' War.

In peace time, the Jeanne d'Arc French Navy Battleship Cruiser is used for teaching and training purposes; however, in case of emergency or crisis, Jeanne d'Arc French Navy Battleship Cruiser was to have become a fully capable helicopter cruiser. This idea is now dropped because of the increasing size and weight of helicopters.

The Jeanne d'Arc French Navy Battleship Cruiser was built as La Résolue, as her predecessor, the French cruiser Jeanne d'Arc (1930), was still in service. She was renamed Jeanne d'Arc in 1964. The ship is to be decommissioned by 2011, but preferably before 2010.

Jeanne d'Arc Cruiser General characteristics
Displacement: 10,575 tons (standard)
12,365 tons (loaded)
Length: 182 m
Beam: 24 m
Draught: 7.5 m
Propulsion: Four 10,000 horsepower (7.5 MW) power plants with automatic heating, 29 420 kW
Speed: 28 knots (52 km/h)

3 000 nm at 26,5.
3 750 nm at 25
6,800 nmi at 16 knots

7,500 nautical miles (14,000 km) at 15 knots (28 km/h)
Complement: 627 (total), 31 officers, 182 petty officers, 414 quaster-masters and sailors, 150 cadet officers
Sensors and
processing systems:

1 DRBV 22 D
2 DRBN34
1 Sonar DUBV24

1 Inmarsat
Electronic warfare
and decoys:

6 Exocet-38 sea-sea missiles
two 100 mm gun turrets (4 originally, two removed in 2000)

4 12.7mm machine guns
Aircraft carried: 4 Super Frelon (8 in war)

Jeanne d'Arc (R 97) CruiserIn peace time, Jeanne d'Arc French Navy Battleship Cruiser is a teaching and training vessel for the naval officers' application academy, and at the same time possesses an aerial group of 2 Aérospatiale Puma helicopters and 2 Aérospatiale Gazelle helicopters of the light aviation of the French Army, as well as two helicopters Alouette III of naval aviation.

Jeanne d'Arc French Navy Battleship Cruiser is to go on combat missions, either in anti-submarine warfare with 8 WG 13 Lynx helicopters, or in external missions by carrying Puma or Gazelle helicopters from the light aviation of the French Army. Initially, she was also able to carry landing troops and Sikorsky or Super Frelon helicopters.

Jeanne d'Arc can carry about 10 light or heavy helicopters. Jeanne d'Arc French Navy Battleship Cruiser can simultaneously handle the take-off and landing of 3 helicopters.

Kara Class Cruiser Russian Navy Battleship

The Kara class cruiser is a class of Cold War era Soviet guided missile cruisers. The Soviet designation is Project 1134B Berkut B - Беркут Б (Golden Eagle). Kara class Russian Navy battleship cruiser were enlarged versions of the Kresta II class, with gas turbine engines replacing the steam turbines. Kara class Russian Navy battleship cruiser were fitted as flagships with improved command, control and communications facilities. These are dedicated ASW ships with significant anti-aircraft capability including both SA-N-3 and SA-N-4 surface to air missiles.

Kara Class CruiserThe Specifications for the Kara class Russian Navy battleship cruiser were issued in 1964 with the design being finalised in the late 1960s. The gas turbine engine was chosen instead of steam for greater efficiency, quietness and because the main Soviet gas turbine plant had a long association with the Nikolayev shipyards.

The cruiser Azov was constructed as a trials ship for the SA-N-6 missile system and was also fitted with the associated Top Dome Radar. During the cold war she was confined to the Black Sea.

Kara Class Cruiser General characteristics
Displacement: 9,900 tons
Length: 173.2 m
Beam: 18.6 m
Draught: 6.7 m
Propulsion: 2 shaft COGAG, 4 gas turbines, 120,000 hp (88 MW)
Speed: 32 knots
Range: 9,000 miles
Complement: 380
Armament: 2 quad SS-N-14 Silex anti-submarine missiles
2 twin SA-N-3 Goblet surface to air missile launchers (80 missiles)
SA-N-4 Gecko surface to air missile launchers (40 missiles)
2 twin 76mm AK-726 dual purpose guns
4 30mm AK-630 CIWS
2 RBU-6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers
2 RBU-1000 anti-submarine rocket launchers
24 SA-N-6 Grumble surface to air missiles [on Azov]
Aircraft carried: 1 Kamov Ka-25 'Hormone-A'

Slava Class Cruiser Russian Navy Battleship

The Slava class cruiser, Soviet designation Project 1164 Atlant, is a large conventionally-powered warship, currently operated by Russia. The design of Slava class cruiser started in the late 1960s and was based around the P-500 Bazalt missile, as a less expensive, conventional alternative to the nuclear powered Kirov class battlecruiser. There was a long delay in the programme, while the problems with this weapon were resolved. Slava class cruiser acted as flagships for numerous task forces. All ships were built at the 61 Kommunar yard, in Mykolaiv, Ukraine (Nikolaev). The class was a follow up to the Kara class cruiser, constructed at the same shipyard and appears to be built on a stretched version of Kara hull.

Slava Class CruiserThe Slava class Russian navy battleship cruiser was initially designated BLACKCOM 1 (Black Sea Combatant 1) and then designated the Krasina class for a short period until Slava class Russian navy battleship cruiser was observed at sea. The SS-N-12 launchers are fixed facing forward at around 8° elevation with no reloads available. As there was nothing revolutionary about the design of the class western observers felt they were created as a hedge against the failure of the more radical Kirov class. The helicopter hangar deck is located 1/2 deck below the landing pad with a ramp connecting the two.

Today three Slava class battleship cruiser serve in the Russian Navy and one uncompleted vessel is owned by Ukraine. No replacements for the class are yet planned and the three vessels in the Russian Navy will continue to be in service for some years to come.

Slava Class Cruiser General characteristics
Displacement: 11,490 tons
Length: 186.4 m
Beam: 20.8 m
Draught: 8.4 m
Propulsion: Gas turbines, 130,000 shp
Speed: 32 knots
Range: 7,500 miles @ 18 knots
Complement: 485 (66 Off, 419 WO/Enl), alternate information 476-529 (84 Off, 75 WO, 370 Enl)
Armament: 16 P-500 Bazalt (SS-N-12 Sandbox) anti-ship missiles
64 S-300PMU Favorit (SA-N-6 Grumble) long-range surface-to-air missiles
40 OSA-M (SA-N-4 Gecko) SR SAM
1 twin AK-130 130mm/L70 dual purpose guns
6 AK-630 close-in weapons systems
2 RBU-6000 anti-submarine mortars
10 (2 quin) 533mm torpedo tubes
Armor: Splinter plating
Aircraft carried: 1 Kamov Ka-25 or Kamov Ka-27 Helicopter

Kirov Class Cruiser Russian Navy Battleship

The Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers are the largest and most powerful surface combatant warships in the Russian Navy and the largest and most powerful non-aircraft carrier warships in the world. Originally built for the Soviet Navy, in Russia they are usually known by the designation Project 1144 Orlan (meaning Sea eagle). The Kirov class Russian Navy battlecruisers are second in size only to aircraft carriers, and are similar in size to a World War I battleship. Because of this, the The Kirov class Russian Navy battlecruisers are sometimes known as battlecruisers in the West. It is more appropriate to consider Kirov an oversized guided missile cruiser, analogous to the U.S. Navy Alaska-class large cruiser, which had the displacement and armament of a battlecruiser but otherwise was closer to a heavy cruiser in mission and construction. The Kirov hull design also was used for the nuclear-powered command ship SSV-33.

Kirov Class Cruiser General characteristics
Displacement: 24,300 tons Standard, 28,000 (Full Load)
Length: 252 m (830 ft)
Beam: 28.5 m (94 ft)
Draft: 9.1 m (30 ft)
Propulsion: 2-shaft CONAS, 2× KN-3 nuclear propulsion with 2× GT3A-688 steam turbines
140,000 shp
Speed: 32 knots (59 km/h)
Range: 1,000 nautical miles (2,000 km) at 30 knots (56 km/h) (combined propulsion),
Essentially unlimited with nuclear power at 20 knots (37 km/h)
Complement: 710
Sensors and
processing systems:

Radars(NATO Reporting Name):
Voskhod MR-800 (Top Pair) 3D search radar, foremast
Fregat MR-710 (Top Steer) 3D search radar, main mast
2 × Palm Frond navigation radar, foremast
Horse Jaw LF hull sonar

Horse Tail VDS (Variable Depth Sonar)
Armament: 20 P-700 Granit (SS-N-19 Shipwreck) AShM
14 SS-N-14 Silex ASW cruise missiles (Ushakov only)
12x8 (96) S-300PMU Favorit SA-N-6 Grumble surface-to-air missiles (Ushakov, Lazarev, Nakhimov)
96 S-400 (SA-NX-20 Gargoyle) long-range SAM (Pyotr Velikhy)
192 9K311 Tor (SA-N-9 Gauntlet) point defense SAM
44 OSA-MA (SA-N-4 Gecko) PD SAM
2x RBU-1000 305 mm ASW rocket launchers
2x RBU-12000 (Udav-1) 254 mm ASW rocket launchers
1 twin AK-130 130 mm/L70 dual purpose gun (2x AK-100 100 mm/L60 DP guns in Ushakov)
10 533 mm ASW/ASuW torpedo tubes, Type 53 torpedo or SS-N-15 ASW missile
8x AK-630 hex gatling 30 mm/L60 PD guns (Ushakov, Lazarev)
6x CADS-N-1 Kashtan missile/gun system (Nakhimov, Pyotr Velikhy)
Armour: 76 mm plating around reactor compartment, light splinter protection
Aircraft carried: 3 helicopters
Aviation facilities: Below-deck hangar

Kirov Class Cruiser Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers is equipped with missiles and guns as well as electronics. Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers has largest radar antenna is mounted on its foremast, and called "Top Pair" by NATO. The Kirov class's main weapons are 20 × P-700 Granit (SS-N-19) Shipwreck missiles mounted on deck, designed to engage large surface targets, and air defense is provided by 12 × 8 S-300F launchers with 96 missiles and 2 × 20 Osa-MA with 40 missiles. The Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers had some differences in sensor and weapons suites; the lead ship Kirov came with SS-N-14 ASW missiles; on subsequent ships these were replaced with 9K331 Tor SAM systems. The 9K331 Tor installation is in fact mounted further forward of the old SS-N-14 mounting, in the structure directly behind the blast shield for the bow mounted RBU ASW rocket launcher. Kirov and Frunze had eight 30 mm AK-630 close-in weapon systems, which were supplanted with the Kashtan (CADS-N-1) air-defence missile/gun system on later ships.

Other weapons of Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers are the automatic 130 mm AK-130 gun system (except on Kirov which had two single 100 mm guns instead), 10 × torpedo/missile tubes (capable of firing SS-N-15 missiles on later ships), Udav-1 with 40 anti-submarine rockets and the 2 × RBU-1000 six-tube launchers.

The lead ship, Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers (renamed Admiral Ushakov in 1992 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union) was laid down in June 1973 at Leningrad's Baltiysky Naval Shipyard, launched on December 27, 1977 and commissioned on December 30, 1980. When she appeared for the first time in 1981, NATO observers called her BALCOM I (Baltic Combatant I).

Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers suffered a reactor accident in 1990 while serving in the Mediterranean Sea. Repairs were never carried out, due to lack of funds and the changing political situation in the Soviet Union. Kirov class Russian Navy battleship cruisers may have been cannibalized as a spare parts cache for the other ships in her class.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

List of Aircarf Carrier

An aircraft carrier is a warship designed with a primary mission of deploying and recovering aircraft, acting as a seagoing airbase. Aircraft carriers thus allow a naval force to project air power worldwide without having to depend on local bases for staging aircraft operations. They have evolved from wooden vessels, used to deploy balloons, into nuclear-powered warships that carry dozens of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft.

Aircraft carriers are typically treated as the capital ship of a fleet and are extremely expensive to build and important to protect: of the nine nations which possess an aircraft carrier, seven of these navies only possess one such ship.

Aircraft Carrier in The World, US Aircraft Carrier, Russian Aircraft Carrier, France, Italy, and Spain. The list of aircraft carrier:

Aircraft CarrierPictureSpesificationsCountryYear
Queen Elizabeth ClassQueen Elizabeth Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 65,600 tons
Length: 284 m (932 ft)
Beam: 39 m (128 ft) (waterline)
73 m (240 ft) overall
Draught: 11 m (36 ft)
Decks: 16,000 m2 (170,000 sq ft)
Speed: +25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph)
Range: 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km; 12,000 mi)
Capacity: 1,450

Shi Lang

Gerald R. Ford Class Gerald R. Ford Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 112,000 short tons
Length: 1,092 ft (333 m)
Beam: Flight deck: 252 ft (77 m) Waterline: 134 ft (41 m)
Speed: In excess of 30 kn (56 km/h; 35 mph)

Vikrant Class Aircraft CarrierVikrant Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement:
CV-01 40,000 tonnes
CV-02 65,000 tonnes (conventionally powered carrier)
Length: 262 metres (860ft)
Beam: 60 metres (197ft)
Draught: 8.4 metres (28ft)
Speed: 28 kn (52 km/h)
Range: 7,500 nmi (13,900 km)

Cavour (550)Aircraft Carrier Cavour (550)Displacement: 30,000 tons(full-load)
Length: 244 m
Beam: 39 m
Draught: 8.7 m
Speed: 28+ knots
Range: 7,000 nautical miles (13,000 km) at 16 knots (30 km/h)

Charles de GaulleAircraft Carrier Charles de GaulleDisplacement: 42,000 tonnes (full load)
Length: 261.5 m (858 ft) overall
Beam: 64.36 m (211.2 ft) overall
Draught: 9.43 m (30.9 ft)
Speed: 27 knots (50 km/h)

HTMS Chakri NaruebetHTMS Chakri NaruebetDisplacement: 11,486 tons full load
Length: 182.65 m (599.2 ft) (overall)
174.1 m (571 ft) (flight deck)
164.1 metres (538 ft) (between perpendiculars)
Beam: 22.5 m (74 ft) (waterline)
30.5 m (100 ft) maximum
Draught: 6.12 m (20.1 ft)
Speed: 25.5 knots
Range: 10,000 nautical miles (19,000 km; 12,000 mi) at 12 knots
Admiral KuznetsovAdmiral KuznetsovDisplacement: 67,500-tons
Length: 305 m (1,001 ft)
Beam: 72 m (236 ft)
Draught: 11 m (36 ft)
Speed: 30 knots (56 km/h)
Range: 8,500 mi (13,700 km) @ 18 knots (33 km/h)

Principe de AsturiasAircraft Carrier Principe de AsturiasDisplacement: 15,912 tons standard,
16,700 tons loaded
Length: 195.9 m (643 ft)
Beam: 24.3 m (80 ft)
Draught: 9.4 m (31 ft)
Speed: 26 knots (48 km/h)
Range: 6,500 nautical miles (12,000 km) at 20 knots (37 km/h)

Giuseppe Garibaldi (551)Aircraft Carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi (551)Displacement: 10,100 tons (standard)
13,850 tons (loaded)
Length: 180.2 m
Beam: 33.4 m
Draught: 8.2 m
Speed: 30+ knots
Range: 7,000 nautical miles (13,000 km) at 20 knots (37 km/h)

Invincible Class Aircraft CarrierInvincible Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 22,000 tons full load
Length: 209 m
Beam: 36 m
Draught: 8 m
Speed: 28 knots
Range: 7,000 nautical miles
Kiev Class Aircraft CarrierKiev Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 45,500 tons full load
Length: 273 m
Beam: 32.6 m
Draught:10 m
Speed: 32 knots
Range: - nautical miles
Nimitz Class Aircraft CarrierNimitz Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 106,300 tons full load
Length: 332.8 m
Beam: 76.8 m
Draught:11.3 m
Speed: 30 knots
Range: 20 years
Moskva Class Helicopter CarrierMoskva Class Helicopter CarrierDisplacement: 17,500 tons full load
Length: 189 m
Beam: 23 m
Draught:13 m
Speed: 31 knots
Range: 14,000 nm
Clemenceau Class Aircraft CarrierClemenceau Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 32,780 tons full load
Length: 265 m
Beam: 31.7 m
Draught:8.2 m
Speed: 32 knots
Range: 7,500 nm
USS Enterprise Class Aircraft CarrierUSS Enterprise Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 94,781 tons full load
Length: 342 m
Beam: 78.4 m
Draught:12 m
Speed: 33.6 knots
Range: 20 years
Kitty Hawk Class Aircraft CarrierKitty Hawk Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 81,780 tons full load
Length: 326 m
Beam: 86 m
Draught:12 m
Speed: 32 knots
Range: 12,000 nm
Forrestal Class Aircraft CarrierForrestal Class Aircraft CarrierDisplacement: 60,000 tons full load
Length: 330 m
Beam: 76 m
Draught:11 m
Speed: 33 knots
Range: 8,000 nm
Independence class

Centaur class


Audacious class



Majestic class


Commencement Bay class escort carrier







Colossus class

Independence class


Implacable class



Bogue class escort carrier

Sangamon class escort carrier

Casablanca class escort carrier

Avenger class escort carrier



Long Island class escort carrier




Illustrator class

Ark Royal






Commandant Teste













Glorious class


La Foudre


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Naruto Manga 458 RAW Spoilers and Predictions

This is some Naruto Manga 458 Spoilers and Predictions that I got across the net.

458: The Fate of Akatsuki

(Kage Scene)
Mifune: The meeting will now begin.
Raikage: (stands up) First of all, thank you for coming with such short notice. (sits again) Second, I’ll be direct to the point: we, the Five Great Ninja Villages, got to eliminate the Akatsuki threat. (everyone stares in tension) They’re assaulting our villages, kidnapping the Jinchuuriki and killing for whatever reason they have!
Gaara: They are collecting the Bijuu inside them. For what purpose, I don’t know.
Raikage: How can you know that?
Gaara: I was a Jinchuuriki once (the Kages faces turn to Gaara). They took me from Sunagakure and extracted the Shukaku that dwelled inside me. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my village, with the help from Konoha. (bows his head a little for Danzou)
Raikage: Is that so? I wouldn’t be so fond of the Leaf, because one of its missing nin will do the same thing with my brother (stares at Danzou with a menacing glare)
Danzou: Are you accusing me of this incident?!
Raikage: You’re not the only one that doesn’t take care of their missing nin…
Tsuchikage: What in hell are you implying?
Misukage: Those are serious accusations you’re delivering, Raikage.
Raikage: Oh… from the data my ninja collected about Akatasuki, every village here besides mine has at least one missing nin that became part of that group: Sasori from Sunagakure, Deidara from Iwagakure, Kisame and Suigetsu from Kirigakure, and the biggest offender here, Konohagakure, with Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. If you Kages did take care of their missing nin, Akatsuki wouldn’t be such a big threat, or even existed at all!
Danzou: Preposterous!
Tsuchikage: I was never so insulted in my life!
Misukage: Are you blaming us for Akatsuki existence?!
Mifune: Please calm down. I do not want war to begin within these halls. (everyone calms down)
Gaara: Did you said Uchiha Sasuke?! (stares at Danzou) Does Naruto know this?!
Raikage: Do you know that whiny brat?
Gaara: Of course, he was the one who saved me from Akatsuki. He’s the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki. (Raikage looks shocked)
Raikage: He’s a Jinchuuriki?! So why his so called “friend” Sasuke took away my brother, Kirabi, also a Jinchuuriki?
Gaara: I don’t know. (looks away)
Raikage: Thought so. (looks at Danzou) What are you going to do about your missing nin, Konoha?!
Danzou: I already ordered my village to assume Uchiha Sasuke as a target to kill on sight.
Raikage: Good. I think it’s wise for all the villages to do that as well, for all Akatsuki members.
Tsuchikage: I think it’s wise too. The Stone will follow your advice.
Misukage: The Mist will do the same, since we still have our missing nin issue to attend to.
Gaara: The Sand will follow too… except for Uchiha Sasuke.
Raikage: What is the meaning of this?!
Gaara: Naruto saved me… twice. And I didn’t return the favour from the second time, so this is my way to thank him.
Danzou: Do you want the Sand end up like Konoha?! A giant crater where once was a proud village? (Everyone is shocked)
Gaara: What?
Danzou: One of Akatsuki members, named Nagato, assaulted our village in search of that Naruto you admire so much. All we got left is a giant hole and a village to rebuild. You’re inviting the same event if you let an Akatsuki roam free in your village.
Gaara: I’m not worried (everyone is apprehensive) I know Naruto won’t make that happen.

(Naruto Scene)
(They are traveling through the trees’ branches)
Naruto: Why?
Yamato: What bothers you, Naruto?
Naruto: Why don’t people see? All this hatred, this revenge… this cycle will only repeat over and over if something isn’t done to stop it.
Kakashi: Don’t expect people to comprehend that at first. Don’t forget we live in the world of the Shinobi, hatred and war are commonplace.
Naruto: But why, why people won’t do anything to stop it?
Kakashi: Some people never lived without war. It’s difficult to stray from that.
Naruto: But… (his face saddens) I understand…
Yamato: We should return to the village as swiftly as possible. Danzou will be not pleased to know we fled from it.
Kakashi: You’re right. Let’s return to Konoha.
Naruto: (Naruto stops) I won’t return to Konoha.
Yamato: (Yamato and Kakashi stop) What?!
Naruto: I won’t give up on Sasuke. I won’t cross my arms and see Sasuke being chased and executed like a criminal. I know Sasuke, he isn’t like that, he’s being used. If nobody will be on his side, I will. I’ll save Sasuke from Madara, even if it takes me to the end of the world or takes away my life. I made a promise and I will fulfil that promise.
Kakashi: There’s no stopping you from that, is there, Naruto? (Naruto smiles) Thought so… well, take care!
Yamato: What? Kakashi-senpai, you’ll let him do that?
Kakashi: Why wouldn’t I? Naruto has already chosen his path, we shouldn’t interfere.
Yamato: But, Kakashi-senpai!
Kakashi: Don’t worry. If he took care of Pein, I’m confident he’ll take care of himself, isn’t that right, Naruto?
Naruto: Right!
Yamato: (preoccupied) If you say so… (Yamato and Kakashi leave, Naruto follows them)
Kakashi. I thought you were leaving…
Naruto: And I’m leaving, but I got to say goodbye to someone in the village.

(Kage Scene)
Mifune: So it’s settled then. All the Villages will begin the operation to bring to justice Kisame and Suigetsu of the Mist, Zetsu of the Grass, Konan of the Rain, Karin and Juugo of the Sound. And all Villages, except the Sand, will also bring to justice Sasuke of the Leaf. This operation will begin in seven days and the primary target will be Amegakure. This summit is now concluded. (everyone leaves the table, Raikage approaches Gaara)
Raikage: You know, Kazekage, it isn’t too late to change your decision.
Gaara: I’ll not change my mind, as much sorrow as it gives you.
Raikage: Hmmph. You know what is best for your village, but don’t come to the Cloud begging for help.
Gaara: I’m sure I won’t need any. (they separate)

(Sasuke Scene)
(The group is hiding in a secretive high point)
Suigetsu: Now that’s good.
Karin: How can you say it’s good?! Our heads are on the line!
Suigetsu: More people to fight with!
Karin: You reckless knucklehead!
Sasuke: Stop it. Don’t lose focus on what we have to do.
Karin: R-Right!
White Zetsu: At least they don’t have information on Tobi. As long as he remains unknown, the better. (Sasuke grumps)

(Danzou Scene)
Danzou: Torune, get back to Konoha. Declare Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato missing nin.
Torune: Yes, my lord. (he vanishes away)
Danzou: (gives the scroll to Fu) Get rid of this scroll. In the wrong hands, Konoha might be the next target of other village’s wrath.
Fu: Yes, Hokage-san. (vanishes away too)
Danzou: (thinking) So, Madara is alive. I haven’t heard that name in quite some time. So you came out of the hole you crawled all these years? This will be interesting.

Next Chapter: The Ambush
by: jeanericuser

The hokage meeting is in progress. Raikage is sitting with an angered expression while the rest of the hokages are yelling at each other. Garaa finally stands up and slams his fist on the table.
Garaa: "That is not nearly good enough. You all obviously fail to realize just how powerful akatsuki is!"
Mifune: "Easy Kazekage Garaa. I know you do not like this plan but it will have to do for now."
Raikage: "I agree for once with Garaa. Gathering information on akatsuki is unnecessary now. The time to act is now."
Mizukage: "You are still more interested in revenge Raikage. Has the capture of your brother taught you nothing?"
Raikage: "It has taught me that inaction will get us no where. The best course of action is to attack them now."
Danzo: "And what do you suggest we attack? Many of the members of akatsuki are from different villages with no alliagence to anyone so they could be anywhere right now."
Garaa: "But doing nothing could be even more dangerous. What happened to your village raikage pales in comparison to the destruction that happened when akatsuki attacked my village in search of me."
Raikage: "If you survived than I guess that means akatsuki may not have chosen to use as deadly a force as they did when they attempted to kidnap my brother."
Garaa: "I am only alive now thanks to one person. The same person you all overlook right now, Naruto Uzimaki."
Raikage: "I met this naruto uzimaki not long ago. The brat is not worth the effort you suggest to protect him. His capture and loss is an acceptible casualty."
Garaa: "That is what akatsuki wants most. As long as you overlook the value of the bijuu and the jinchuriki the more likely akatsuki will be able to attack with impunity. That is why they attacked my village. They were after my bijuu!"
Danzo: "I concur with Garaa assessment. That is why I will be assigning anbu black ops to watch naruto and keep him under guard until akatsuki is obliterated. Will that be suitable garaa?"
Garaa: "..."
Garaa is shown to be a little conflicted.

Kakashi, Yamoto, and Naruto are camping for the night in the woods. The forest is not covered in snow any more and they are now in normal attire. Naruto is sad and looking at the camp fire.
Kakashi: "It was a nice try naruto. Sadly though some people do not have the compassion that you have."
Naruto: "I guess Nagato was right about some things in the ninja world. You cant always stop the cycle of hate so easily."
Kakashi: "Naruto. Don't let this minor setback let you down. Im sure we will find some other way to convince Raikage to call off the bounty on sasuke."
Naruto: "I just wish I could know what was going on inside the hokage meeting. Any ideas yamoto?"
Yamoto: "I cant get one of my wood clones inside but maybe you can use the frogs to gather information on what is going on during the meeting if you have one that is small enough to not attract too much attention."
Naruto: "Thats a good idea. Some of the frogs are small enough that no one would take too much notice as long as it was undetectable."
Naruto performs summoning jutsu but is disappointed to find its gamakichi he summoned.
Gamakichi: "Naruto! Long time no see buddy! Listen. Pa frog needs to talk with you about something important. Can you summon him to us?"
Naruto: "Ok. I haven't seen him in a while. Im glad that he was able to survive that attack by pain. I thought for sure that pain had killed him."
Naruto performs summoning jutsu and Pa Frog appears.
Fukusaku: "Hey Naruto. It is nice to see you again. Congrats again on defeating Pain. Jiraiya would be proud of you."
Naruto: "Thank you Fukusaku. Gamakichi tells me that you wanted to see me about something important."
Fukusaku: "Jiraiya before he died was searching for information about akatsuki specificly their headquarters, members, and past actions? Did pain tell you anything useful?"
Naruto: "I didn't get any information from pain on those subjects however another source has told me that pain was not the real leader of akatsuki. He was more of pawn in the hands of someone else. The same person who forced the kyubi to attack konoha."
Fukusaku: "Did you find out who it is? Who gave you this information?"
Kakashi: "Let me save you the trouble naruto. I know whom is responcible for the attack but I have long hoped it wasn't him."
Fukusaku: "Who was responcible for the attack on konoha and is the leader of akatsuki?"
Kakashi: "Madara Uchiha and the source of the information was the sealed chakra of the fourth hokage in naruto."
Pa Frog is shocked at what he has just heard.
Fukusaku: "If what you say is true than I think it is very important that you naruto must return to myobuzokan to finish your sage training."
Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamoto are all surprised as they stare at pa frog.
Naruto: "My training is incomplete?"

Sasuke and team hawk are watching the samurai from the rooftops. Karin is trying to keep up when accidentally a clump of snow falls and sasuke just barely manages to stop the guard from yelling an alarm. Suigetsu tries to supress a laugh while karin acts embarrassed. They slowly move along
from roof to roof when karin suddenly notices some of the samurais have dogs with them now. Karin grabs sasuke and points down at the dogs. Sasuke signals for a retreat. They then stop at a roof top with no samurai nearby.
Karin: "That was a close one. I don't think they picked up our scent."
Suigetsu: "Nice work karin. We almost got caught just because you didn't look for the guards to have tracking dogs with them."
Juugo: "The dogs obviously must have just been brought out to help in tracking. I did not detect them until just before we were above them."
Sasuke: "It is no use for us to try to get any closer. We can't stop the dogs from tracking without getting their attention nor can we get any closer without them detecting us."
Karin: "We know that danzo is heading back to konoha soon. Can't we just ambush him once he leaves the iron country?"
Sasuke: "We need to know what route they intend to use as well as any possible escape routes they may have."
Zetsu: "I think I know of a way we can do that if you are up for some interrogation."
Sasuke: "...."

Team samui is in the woods heading away from the iron country. Suddenly Samui sees something in the distance on a branch up ahead. Instinctively she grips her sword. Omoi points and yells in anger as he sees that its sasuke uchiha. Samui suddenly grimaces as she gets a bad feeling.
Omoi: "Is that?! Sasuke!"
Karui: "Forget that brat! This one is mine!"
Samui: "Karui be careful! Something is very wrong here!"
Sasuke smiles and then vanishes. A slash occurs across each member of team samui which sends them crashing to the ground. Samui is looking up and sees Sasuke taking Karui away. Samui looks over to see omoi laying on the ground with his head slumped over. Blood is puddling on the ground.
Samui: "Damn it!"

The hokage meeting is concluding. Mifune is assisting a servant in bringing in some food for the hokages. Garaa and Raikage are still upset. Mizukage is looking at a book. Suddenly a guard rushes in causing the food to come crashing over to the ground. Mifune is mad at the guard and stares at him enraged.
Mifune: "You better have a good explaination for this interuption or you will be facing kennel duty for the next year!"
Guard: "Two gravely wounded ninjas were discovered near the border of the iron country. Its team samui of the cloud village."
Raikage: "What?! What happened to them!? How bad are their injuries."
Guard: "One of them is near fatally wounded while the other is being stitched up right now. They are lucky the patrol found them."
Garaa: "You see now how akatsuki works. Their tactics reflect their brutality."
Raikage: "Have they said who attacked them? Why are you suggesting only two were found. Is one missing?"
Guard: "It was Sasuke Uchiha who attacked them and unfortunately according to one of the survivors on of them was kidnapped."
Danzo: "I guess we are now all in agreement. Sasuke Uchiha effective immediately is to be hunted down and killed on sight."
Raikage is now fuming with rage and storms out of the room while garaa is now frowning with concern.

Karui is inside her own mind in tsukyama genjutsu with sasuke. Sasuke has her arms stuck on a cross with blades stuck in her body pinning her to the cross. Sasuke is holding a sword at her face. Karui is absolutely horrified.
Sasuke: "Now tell me everything you know about the meeting of the hokage or you will die again."

Ticonderoga Class Cruiser US Navy Battleship

The Ticonderoga class cruiser battleship of missile cruisers is a class of warships in the United States Navy, first ordered and authorized in FY 1978. The Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship uses phased-array radar and was originally planned as a class of destroyers. However, the increased combat capability offered by the Aegis combat system and the AN/SPY-1 radar system was used to justify the change of the classification from DDG (guided missile destroyer) to CG (guided missile cruiser) shortly before the keels of Ticonderoga and Yorktown were laid down.

Of the twenty-seven built vessels, nineteen were built by Ingalls Shipbuilding and eight by Bath Iron Works (BIW). All but one of the “Ticos” - Thomas S. Gates - are named for noteworthy battles in U.S. History, and at least twelve; Ticonderoga, Cowpens, Anzio, Yorktown, Valley Forge, Bunker Hill, Antietam, San Jacinto, Lake Champlain, Philippine Sea, Princeton, Monterey, and Vella Gulf; share their names with World War II aircraft carriers.

Ticonderoga Class Cruiser General characteristics
Type: Guided missile cruiser
Displacement: approx. 9,600 tons full load
Length: 567 feet (173 m)
Beam: 55 feet (17 m)
Draught: 33 feet (10 m)
Propulsion: 4 × General Electric LM2500 gas turbines, 2 shafts, 80,000 shp (60 MW)
Speed: 32.5 knots (60 km/h)
Range: 6,000 nautical miles (11,000 km) at 20 knots (37 km/h); 3,300 nautical miles (6,000 km) at 30 knots (56 km/h).
Complement: 33 officers & 327 enlisted
Sensors and
processing systems:
AN/SPY-1A/B multi-function radar
AN/SPS-49 air search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire control radar
AN/SPS-55 surface search radar
AN/SPQ-9 gun fire control radar
AN/SQQ-89(V)3 Sonar suite, consisting of
  • AN/SQS-53B/C/D Active sonar
  • AN/SQR-19 TACTAS Passive sonar
  • AN/SQQ-28 Light airborne multi-purpose system
AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare Suite
Electronic warfare
and decoys:
Mark 36 SRBOC
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie
Armament: cruiser mark 26
2 × Mk 26 missile launchers
88 × RIM-66 SM-2
8 × RGM-84 Harpoon missiles
2 × Mark 45 5 in / 54 cal lightweight gun
2–4 × .50 cal (12.7 mm) gun
2 × Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mk 32 12.75 in (324 mm) triple torpedo tubes
cruiser mark 41
2 × 61 cell Mk 41 vertical launch systems
122 × RIM-66 SM-2, RIM-162 ESSM, BGM-109 Tomahawk, or RUM-139 VL-Asroc
8 × RGM-84 Harpoon missiles
2 × Mark 45 5 in / 54 cal lightweight gun
2 × 25 mm
2–4 × .50 cal (12.7 mm) gun
2 × Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mk 32 12.75 in (324 mm) triple torpedo tubes
Armor: limited Kevlar splinter protection in critical areas
Aircraft carried: 2 × Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk LAMPS III helicopters.

Ticonderoga Class CruiserIn addition to the added radar capability, the Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship built after the Thomas S. Gates are outfitted with two Vertical Launching Systems (or VLS). The two VLS allow the Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship to have 122 launch tubes that can carry a wide variety of missiles, including the Tomahawk cruise missile, the Standard surface-to-air missile, the Evolved Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missile, and the ASROC anti-submarine missile. More importantly, the VLS enables all missiles to be on full stand-by at any given time, shortening the ship's response time. The original five ships, including the Thomas S. Gates, had MK. 26 twin arm launchers which limited their missile capacity to a total of 88 missiles, and could not fire the Tomahawk missile. After the end of the Cold War, the lower capabilities of the original five ships limited them to home-waters duties. The Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship cluttered superstructure, inherited from the Spruance class destroyers , required two of the radar transceivers to be mounted on a special pallet on the portside aft corner of the superstructure, with the other two mounted on the forward starboard corner. Later Aegis ships, designed from the keel up to carry the SPY-1 radars, have them all clustered together. The high weight of the ships - 1,500 tons heavier than the "Spru-cans", resulted in a highly-stressed hull and some structural problems in early service, which were generally corrected in the late 1980s and mid-1990s. Several Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship had superstructure cracks which had to be repaired.

US Navy had intended to replace its fleet of Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers with cruisers produced as part of the CG(X) missile cruiser program; however, severe budget cuts from the 21st century surface combatant program coupled with the increasing cost of the Zumwalt-class guided missile destroyer program have led to widespread rumors that the CG(X) program was cancelled. If this is in fact correct, then the Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship guided missile cruisers do not yet have an identified replacement.

All five of the twin-arm (Mk-26) cruisers have been decommissioned. The newer 22 of the 27 ships (CG-52 to CG-73) in the Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship will be upgraded to keep them combat-relevant, giving the Ticonderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship a service life of 35 years each. In the years leading up to their decommissioning, the five twin-arm ships had been assigned primarily home-waters duties, acting as command ships for destroyer squadrons assigned to the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic areas.

One ship of theTiconderoga class cruiser US Navy battleship, the USS Vincennes, became infamous in 1988 when she shot down Iran Air Flight 655, resulting in 290 civilian fatalities, which the captain of the Vincennes, William C. Rogers III, had believed from reports of (misinterpreted) radar returns to be an Iranian Air Force F-14 Tomcat jet fighter on an attack vector. The USS Vincennes was decommissioned in 2005.

On February 14, 2008, the United States Department of Defense announced that the Lake Erie and two other ships would attempt to hit the dead satellite USA 193 in the north Pacific just prior to burn up during a period after February 20 using a modified SM-3 missile. On February 20, 2008, at approximately 22:30 EST (21 Feb, 03:30 UTC), the missile was fired and later confirmed to have struck the satellite. The military intended that the kinetic energy of the missile would rupture the hydrazine fuel tank allowing the toxic fuel to be consumed during re-entry. The Department of Defense later confirmed that the fuel tank had been directly hit by the missile.

Ship Name Hull No. Builder Commission
Ticonderoga CG-47 Ingalls 1983–2004
Yorktown CG-48 Ingalls 1984–2004
Vincennes CG-49 Ingalls 1985–2005
Valley Forge CG-50 Ingalls 1986–2004
Thomas S. Gates CG-51 BIW 1987–2005
Bunker Hill CG-52 Ingalls 1986–
Mobile Bay CG-53 Ingalls 1987–
Antietam CG-54 Ingalls 1987–
Leyte Gulf CG-55 Ingalls 1987–
San Jacinto CG-56 Ingalls 1988–
Lake Champlain CG-57 Ingalls 1988–
Philippine Sea CG-58 BIW 1989–
Princeton CG-59 Ingalls 1989–
Normandy CG-60 BIW 1989-
Monterey CG-61 BIW 1990–
Chancellorsville CG-62 Ingalls 1989–
Cowpens CG-63 BIW 1991–
Gettysburg CG-64 BIW 1991–
Chosin CG-65 Ingalls 1991–
Hué City CG-66 Ingalls 1991–
Shiloh CG-67 BIW 1992–
Anzio CG-68 Ingalls 1992–
Vicksburg CG-69 Ingalls 1992–
Lake Erie CG-70 BIW 1993–
Cape St. George CG-71 Ingalls 1993–
Vella Gulf CG-72 Ingalls 1993–
Port Royal CG-73 Ingalls 1994–

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