Naruto Shippuuden 453 Prediction: The Deal
by: ShiverX
"The cloud ninjas tell Naruto, Sai and Sakura about Sasuke being in Akatsuki and capturing their master."
"Naruto, Sai and Sakura is shocked by this announcement."
Naruto thinks: Sasuke, what happened to you....
Naruto: - Why would Sasuke do a thing like that to your village and your master?!
"Omoi and Karui seems to be suprised at Naruto's obviously inaccurate question and tone of voice."
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Karui: - You seem to know little of Sasuke anyway. He is in Akatsuki. Our scouts saw him and his team defeat and kidnap our master Killerbee.. How they did it is another question.
Omoi: - We will have our revenge! Master....
"Omoi looks angry and sad at the same time"
Karui: - Yes, and not to mention the immediate threat this causes as our master is the host of the eight-tails.
"Naruto is shocked"
Naruto: - The eight tails? Your master?
"Omoi takes a defensive stance and Karui looks casually irritated"
Omoi: - Maybe you feel that the eight tails is a monster, and in that, that we are monsters that is lying to you about Sasuke in some weird plot to steal Konohas Bijuu and then start a war with other countries so that In keeping silence about Sasuke you will not reveal anything about Konoha that might help us and *Karui hits Omoi over the head to stop him from worrying" * Ouch!
Karui: Sorry about the worry wort, his worried mind tends to wander. But he has a point. Yes our master is the eight tails. You have a problem with that?!
"Karui looks menacing and Omoi joins her side looking somewhat insulted towards Naruto."
"Naruto looks intensely on the two"
Naruto: - No no. I don't think any of the sort. In fact, I know how you feel.
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"Naruto looks down again in thought and looks concentrated and somewhat uneasy"
Naruto thinks: - Sasuke, why did you go after a Bijuu... Are you really in Akatsuki?
Karui: - Hey! What do you mean by that?! What's up with that look? You have a tailed host in Konoha to, is this the person you are thinking about?!
Omoi: How dare you think of our master as such! He is no monster or a dammed force to be used in your political wars, you or Akatsuki! Maybe you sent Sasuke to collect Killerbee for your village to somehow make somethi.. *Again Karui hits Omoi over the head!* Ouch!
Karui: Again, pay no attention to him. Please answer my question.
"Naruto smiles a little at the scene but get serious again real quickly and looks at Omoi."
Naruto: - I have no intention of ever capturing the Bijuu hosts and neither does the village, as long as I have anything to say. I mean your master no harm. I can't believe Sasuke would do that either.... It worries me a lot that he did.
"Naruto pauses, the two Cloud Ninjas listen carefully"
Naruto: - I do know why he might have done it though...if it's true he is in akatsuki...Although, again I can't for the sake of me understand why he would join them...
Karui looks intrested by this statement"
Karui: - Why? Why would he do it?
"Naruto meets her eyes"
Naruto: - Akatsuki is hunting the Bijuu's. They want to use them to create a powerful weapon. In fact, we were just attacked by Akatsuki ourselves. As you can see it took some toll on our village.
"Naruto signals towards the village around them, the two ninjas look around."
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Karui: - Did they target your Tailed host?
Naruto: - Yes.
Karui: - Did they get it?
Naruto: - No.
Omoi: - What happened to the Akatsuki member? Who was it?
"Karui is suprised by the simple question from Omoi."
Naruto: It was the leader of the Akatsuki. His naim was Pain. We defeated him.
Sakura: - You defeated him Naruto!
"Sakura Points towards Naruto"
Sakura: - Naruto defeated him!
"Naruto gestures to Sakura to settle down"
Karui: - So you protected your weapon? How good, but your missing Nin is still out there and he has our Master. Now tell us about him!
"Naruto gets angry but stays calm. He thinks again why Sasuke would do this, and then he get's it!"
Naruto thinks: The masked Akatsuki member!
"Naruto has flashbacks to his fathers words"
"Sakura starts to object to Omoi's insults but Naruto interferes and looks with a serious face on Karui and Omoi."
Naruto: - I will tell you about Sasuke if you agree to let me try to reason with him, and give your help in finding him. Because I believe he is not doing this entirely out of his own accord. Because he wouldn't do that to a Tailed beast-host.
Karui: - And why is that? Huh? How do you know?!
Naruto: - Because I'm his friend!
" The two Ninjas are a little bit surprised by the words and the intensity. Karui looks confused by this."
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Karui: What has that to do with him attacking Jinchuurikii?!
"Naruto is silent for a second"
Karui: - Answer me!
Naruto: Because...
"Naruto pauses and then looks her straight in her eyes, defiant"
Naruto: - I'm the Jinchuurikii!, I'm the nine tails! So you see, I feel for Killerbee as well.
"The two Cloud ninjas are baffled"
Naruto: - Now, will you agree?
"The cloud Ninjas look at each other and after a second nod"
Karui: - Ok, you can join us. Just know that if our master is dead there will be consequences.
"Naruto relaxes and smiles"
Naruto: - Good, agreed then. Now tell me about Killerbee.
What is Naruto's interest in Killerbee? What will this alliance bring?
Next chapter: - The New Plan, Danzo's Response -
Kakashi 's Face Revealed!!
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