Naruto Manga Chapter 442 Spoilers is out. Rasen Shuriken vs Shinra Tensei, who will won this real final battle? What Pain will do? after Naruto has been use Kage Bushin Technique to destory first effect from Pain? and What theid said Surprising Conclusion Awaits? Naruto Chapter 442 Spoilers will be the most waiting for manga chapter series
And Here We Go some Spoilers that I got from the net
Status : Prediction
In Sennin Mode, the limit to Fuuton Rasen Shuriken is 2 throws.
Afterwards, Naruto snaps out of Sennin Mode. Tendou sees through it.
I believe that the unexpected ending won’t just be about Naruto killing Nagato…there will be some kind of twist.
It obviously will be that either Nagato dies, or he doesn’t… but in the middle there will be something that we cannot possibly predict…just like how we never dreamed of the 4th showing up and rescuing, and explaining to his son who he really is (his father).
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Well Nagato was pseudo-delirious before he engaged Naruto, I think he’s out of moves after that last Shinra Tensei, and Naruto is exhausted and can’t re-enter sage mode. I think if the RS connects it’s over for the last body, if it doesn’t Naruto might still be able to take out the last form. I don’t think Naruto will be able to catch up to Nagato in his oversized wheel chair nor will the other Konoha ninja be able to capture him. I’m guessing Nagato either dies on the spot or manages to escape.
Naruto remembered what happened to Hinata and even maybe what she said to him, but doesn’t know she survived. Could make for an interesting reunion scene.
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By the way, why didn’t Pain just Shinra Tensei both FRS and the Naruto clones? Doesn’t make much sense. Unless he is too tired to do so, but just last chapter he mentioned that he could make an even bigger Chibaku Tensei, so it doesn’t seem like that’s the reason. Pain knows that his weakness is that 5 seconds interval. Even if he doesn’t think Naruto does, I don’t see why he wouldn’t defend that weakness of his. Especially when he knows Naruto only has two shots. And especially because he already saw Naruto pull something like this a few chapters ago, with a hidden FRS.
Vary unconvincing, if this is how he gets defeated.
Naruto 442 Spoiler
That ain’t her obligation, Hinata ain’t the only one injure in the village. Stopping Naruto from potential killing more villagers is more important than helping just one person out of the countless casualties. Also you do realize that Sakura is only a chunin, she doesn’t have much right to go ordering people to do something. The Hyuuga guy or the Anbu should have been the one verifying that someone goes to help her. But she is just one casualties out of the countless one that there are, so i don’t know why everyone is expecting people to go out of their way and help her. I’m sure if Sakura were to try and walk to where Hinata is, she will encounter at least one casualty, so is she suppose to leave that casualty alone for HInata?
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By the way, why didn’t Pain just Shinra Tensei both FRS and the Naruto clones? Doesn’t make much sense. Unless he is too tired to do so, but just last chapter he mentioned that he could make an even bigger Chibaku Tensei, so it doesn’t seem like that’s the reason. Pain knows that his weakness is that 5 seconds interval. Even if he doesn’t think Naruto does, I don’t see why he wouldn’t defend that weakness of his. Especially when he knows Naruto only has two shots. And especially because he already saw Naruto pull something like this a few chapters ago, with a hidden FRS.
Vary unconvincing, if this is how he gets defeated.
spoiler naruto manga 442
One thing I’m curious about is this page. http://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/441/06/
On the bottom panels we see Naruto with his eyes shut and hand over his heart as though he is feeling for something. Then he acts shocked with an exclamation! point as though he felt something. This is before Katsuya informs him that everything is okay.
So were those panels supposed to show Naruto searching for Hinata’s (and perhaps the villagers in general) chakra signature?
It would help I guess to know what those sound effect Japanese writings mean…
Aside from the “I see you” scene and Naruto mega-kicking Pain one of the best parts of this chapter for me has to be Katsuya coming out of Naruto’s jacket exclaiming “whew… I thought I was a goner!” ^_^
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I was thinking Naruto would sense for Nagato after that battle, not during.
I still think the battle will end as I predicted. Pain Shinre Tensei’s the first FFRS, then we have a 5 second interval. He has to dodge the second FFRS and he already knows that dodging to the side is no good cause it can expand so he has to dodge by jumping.
While in the air he is helpless. He can’t move, he can’t use his jutsu. Naruto may deliver an old FRS (remember he could make 3 of those, not even in SM). Or double rasengan, but I would like to see a Odama Sage Tech Ultimate Rasengan to the head.
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Pain has really used an excessive amount of chakra. Did you see him? The reason blood was pouring out of his mouth was due to CT (his moon tech). Obviously he has to maintain it with his ability. But he has really went passed his limit and couldn’t maintain that jutsu anymore hence right after the blood came pouring out of his mouth the tech mini moon crumbles. At this point, I believe Pain is picking his spots. He doesn’t have the luxury to waste anymore excessive chakra. So him doing what he did, is a different tactic.
Obviously he is saving his chakra for naruto to do something predictable — i.e. he knows naruto can only use 2 FRS per sage mode and he knows it is coming. So, imo, it appears as though he is conserving, to use it at those crucial moments so that when sage mode is gone he can, as he said, beat him half dead.
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hmm a surprising conclusion..??
1) nagato dies and naruto tells him the answer to peace
2) madara comes in kills nagato and captures naruto
3) sasuke arrives and either captures naruto or kills pein imo opinion there is a good reason why pain mentioned sasuke. im sure kishi wouldnt just throw in his name for nothing.
4) pain jumps up to dodge the shadow shuriken n naruto comes from above n lays his ass down lol and then goes after nagato
- one thing for sure is that the battle is over in the next chap! finalllllllllllyyyy
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Well, by reading those lasts episodes, i just got some stupid thinking in my mind … a dude one, but it’s just a theory …
As everybody can see, nagato is almost dead (he is sick), and konan is still fine … i was wondering … who will fight her ? so, suddenly something strange shows up in my mind … here it is:
After meeting real pains body, naruto will finally answer his question (with something linked to forgiveness or friendship, after all naruto has the talent to make friendships easly, and just like chyo-baa said: that “power” will have a great influence on the future) and after a lot of talking (and maybe some fighting), nagato realizes that naruto maybe is right and as a last breathing act, he will do something special to naruto and for konoha … or not lol
Hmmm, and what about konan ?
Well, after watching nagato’s decision, i’d suppose she would change to naruto’s side (what? are u insane?) that would make sense, specially to the ones who have already seen an interview where kishi supposly tells some info about the manga future … the interview says that an akatsuki member would be a konoha ally … i know, this is not a confirmed interview, but why cannot it be a true?
Confirmed Version Avaliable on Naruto Manga Chapter 442 Spoilers confirmed
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