Saturday, December 26, 2009

Itasuke Prediction: Naruto 478

NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Itasuke (N.V.O.) to re-post all his writings and predictions.

CLICK to Read ALL Naruto 478 Predictions
Please DO NOT get confused
PREDICTIONS are different from SPOILERS

by: N.V.O (Itasuke)

Naruto 478: Itachi Returns!
Also read N.V.O's next chapter prediction
Naruto 479: Arrival

(Battlefield scene)

-Itachi stares angrily-
Itachi: You went out of line, you were going to hurt Sasuke.
Sasuke: I-Itachi...?!...(How...) Brother!
Itachi: -Turns facing Sasuke- (..! Did, he know the truth?) -Stares at Madara-...(I bet it was him.)

Madara: ...(Itachi...what's happening?)
Karin: T-That guy looks like Sasuke! Is he, Itachi Uchiha?! but I thought he's dead!
Itachi: Sasuke, you followed the wrong path, all I wanted was for you to be the hero of Konoha, the one that avenges the Uchiha clan, and to end my life, a criminal, the murderer of the Uchiha clan. But it turned out to be I was wrong, none of what I wanted happened.
Sasuke: ...Brother! but I just wanted to avenge you! And by doing that I'll be also aven--
Itachi: Do you hear yourself Sasuke?
Sasuke: ...!
Itachi: You're acting like a child, listen to me, by that, you're being a criminal, a Rogue Ninja, and you're the only Uchiha clan alive, Madara not counted, and when you're dead, then that's that.
Sasuke: But--
Itachi: Then will you call it revenge? It's still not too late.
Danzo: Do not make me laugh. It is far too late for him to turn back! He's a wanted criminal for his doings! He will be---
-Itachi slashed Danzo's chest and cutting off his Sharingan arm by a Kunai-
Itachi: Aren't you a fine one to talk...
Sasuke: Itachi...

Danzo: Gah! -spits blood-...Tell me, how have you appeared?!
Itachi: It's simple. When I implanted my Mangekyo powers into Sasuke, I also transferred myself into him, it's like, a Reanimation Jutsu, my former body is just a mere shell of me now, this forbidden Jutsu is similiar to Orochimaru's substitution Jutsu, but, if Sasuke was going to follow the right path, I would've disappeared forever, but I knew something wrong was gonna happen, so I stayed and came out in the right time. Though this Jutsu shortens the life-span.
Danzo: ...! No way, I still do not get it! You should be dead! The--
Itachi: Die already. -Appears above him, Danzo slides back to dodge, but that Itachi disappears, as many crows forms behind Danzo, Itachi appears with a Kunai, Danzo then grabs Itachi's arm, then Itachi grabs him back-

Itachi: It's over for you.
Danzo: -Turns around- What?! (He can perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu so fast that I can't even see the hand signs!)
Itachi: I fooled you. -Jumps back as the Shadow clone that's grabbing Danzo explodes-
Danzo: ?! -Exploded and falls unconscious-
Itachi: Madara...
Madara: If it isn't my dear old friend, Itachi.
Sasuke: ...!

(Team-Sakura scene)
Sakura: I can see them!
Kiba: Let's go!
Rock Lee & Sai: Right!

(Kakashi & Sai scene)
Kakashi: So?
Sai: We're gonna reach Sakura and the others soon.
Kakashi: Right.
Sai: But the problem is, they are gonna reach Sasuke sooner.
Kakashi: What?! Let's move faster. -Focuses his chakra on his feet, as he rushes 3 times as fast-
Sai: ...?! He' fast...

(Mizukage scene)
Mizukage: Are you sure?!
Ao: 100% Sure.
Mizukage: Then let's move!
-They rush towards Sasuke and the others-

(Battlefield scene)
Itachi: There's something I must do. Sasuke stay back.
Sasuke: ?!
Madara: Hm...(That ruins my plans I guess, oh well.)
What will happen next?! Itachi vs Madara?! Will the others arrive on time?!

Naruto 479: Arrival!
Also read N.V.O's next chapter prediction
Naruto 479: Arrival

by: N.V.O. (Itasuke)

Naruto 479: Arrival!

(Battlefield scene)
Itachi: ...
Madara: ...
Itachi: You lured my brother to the wrong path, it is only because of you that he's in this condition now, and you even made him fight the 5 Kages! I will never forgive you, for your actions.
Madara: You're not the one to judge here.
Itachi: We'll see about that.
Madara: By the way, Akatsuki's leader is dead, and your partner Kisame is dead too.
Itachi: ...Kisame is dead? And the leader too huh.
Madara: ...
Itachi: Don't think I care anymore, I am no longer under the clouds of the "Akatsuki" hidden by its shadows.
-Throws his cloak-

Madara: ...
Itachi: Let's end this.

(Kakashi & Sai scene)
Kakashi: I can see them!
Sai: Seems like we made it before Sakura and the others arrive.
Kakashi: Wait, isn't that Itachi?! (How's he alive...but that doesn't matter, I'll have to interfere!) Let's go, Sai!
Sai: Right! -They jump in-

(Team-Sakura scene)
Sakura: I can see Sasuke! let's go!
All: Right!

(Battlefield scene)
Sakura: Sasuke!!!!!
Sasuke: ...Sakura?
Sakura: Why...why're you doing all this HUH?! Answer me!!
Sasuke: What...the...
Sakura: *Pant* *pant*...(...!! Isn't that Itachi?! so...he's not dead afterall.) It's all because of you!
Itachi: ?
Sakura: Itachi Uchiha!! -Jumps above Itachi with 50% of her chakra covering her hand-
Itachi: (What...power...)
-Kakashi grabs Sakura and lands on the ground-

Kakashi: He's not the enemy, Sakura.
Sakura: W-What are you saying?
Kakashi: Long story. Just know that he faked it, he never was one of the Akatsuki.
Sakura: ...What...Then Sasuke! Why is he with the Akatsuki!
Kakashi: It's all because of that masked guy.
Sakura: he?
Kakashi: He's Madara Uchiha.
Sakura: What?!

Itachi: I don't blame you for wanting to kill me, Sakura Haruno, it's a long story, but I'll correct my mistakes, Promise. -Closes his eyes smiling-
Sakura: ...!
Kiba, Rock Lee, Sai: -Lands near Kakashi- Sensei!
Kakashi: You three stay back!
Madara: Itachi...Kakashi...Sakura Haruno, and those three...Sasuke of course will be on Itachi's side so, there are 7 of them, against me. And you?
Karin: W-Wha?!
Madara: I thought so, Die.
Karin: W-Wait!!

-Sakura rushes in fastly as she punches the pillar and it falls apart, Madara is forced to dodge and lands on another pillar faraway-
Sakura: You...won't kill anybody, you bastard!
Madara: Another Princess Tsunade I see. She's gonna be troublesome.
Karin: T-Thank you...!
Sakura: No problem...
Karin: My name is Karin...It's nice to meet you.
Sakura: I'm Sakura Haruno -smiles- we saw eachother once I believe. But let's leave the introduction for later, we have other matters to worry about.
Karin: R-Right!
Madara: Hm...

Sasuke: were using me!
Madara: And now, I have no use of you. So I'll simply kill all of you.
Everyone: ...!
Kakashi: We can defend ourselves, Madara.
Itachi: Kakashi...let's team up, let's show him our powers.
Kakashi: Meaning "That"?
Itachi: Yes, we'll go with "That".
Kakashi & Itachi: Mangekyo Sharingan!!!
Madara: has come to this eh? So be it. Mangekyo Sharingan!!!...Mine far exceeds both of yours together!
Kakashi,Itachi,Madara: ...
Three powerful Mangekyo Sharingans in one fight! Which side will win?! And what's Naruto going to do now?!

Next Time: Mangekyo Battle and the power of the will of Fire!
TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 478, Naruto 478 Raw, Naruto Manga 478, Naruto Spoilers, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 478 Spoilers, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 478, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 478, Naruto 478 Predictions, Naruto 478 Wordpress, Naruto 478 Blogspot, Naruto 478 English, Naruto 478 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 478 Read Online, Naruto 478 Download, Naruto 478 Onemanga, Naruto 478 Mangahelpers, Naruto 478 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 478 Narutofan, Naruto 478 Narutocentral, Bleach 388, One Piece 570

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