Monday, February 28, 2011

Nirbhay - India subsonic cruise missile

Nirbhay is a long range, subsonic cruise missile being developed in India. The missile will have a range of 1,000 km and will arm three services, the Indian Army, Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force. The Nirbhay will be able to be launched from multiple platforms on land, sea and air. The missile is being developed by the Advanced Systems Laboratory, a division of DRDO and after finalizing the design, the technology required for the missile is being developed. The first test flight of the missile is expected in the year 2012. Nirbhay will be a terrain hugging, stealthy missile capable of delivering 24 different types of warheads depending on mission requirements and will use an inertial navigation system for guidance. Nirbhay will supplement Brahmos in the sense that it would enable delivery of warheads farther than the 300 km range of Brahmos.
Nirbhay Subsonic Cruise Missile
Type Long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile
Place of origin India
Production history
Manufacturer DRDO
Produced Expected in 2012
Weight 1,000 kg
Length 6 m
Diameter 0.52 m

1,000 km
Speed 0.7 mach

Western Leaders ready to use force against Col Gaddafi

David Cameron and other Western leaders are on the brink of ordering military action against Col Muammar Gaddafi amid fears that the Libyan dictator could use chemical weapons against his own people.

The Prime Minister disclosed that he would not rule out “the use of military assets” as Britain “must not tolerate this regime using military forces against its own people”. Britain and America are also thought to be considering arming rebel forces in Libya.

Adding to growing concern about the crumbling regime’s ability to commit last desperate acts of mass murder, British sources have disclosed that Libya still has stocks of mustard gas chemicals.

Mr Cameron told MPs that Britain and its allies were considering using fighter jets to impose a no-fly zone over Libya, patrolling and shooting down Libyan aircraft ordered to attack protesters.

The Pentagon announced that the Americans had begun “repositioning forces” around Libya to provide “flexibility”. The French also announced that they would back a possible military intervention with Nato partners.

The warnings were sounded after Gaddafi was accused of ordering Libyan aircraft to attack a radio station being used by rebels in the city of Benghazi. An arms depot being used by anti-government forces was also blown up in the town of Ajdabiya, 100 miles further south.

Despite a promise in 2003 to give up weapons of mass destruction, Gaddafi is thought to have retained as much as 14 tons of the chemicals required to create mustard gas.

The stocks are said to be stored in secret secure facilities in the Libyan desert. The chemicals would need to be mixed and loaded into shells before they could be used as weapons, but are “still a concern,” said a senior British government source. “We want to make sure they’re destroyed.”

The disclosure came after a Gaddafi spokesman was said to have warned that there would be hundreds of thousands of deaths if the country descended into full-blown civil war. Saif Gaddafi, the dictator’s son and heir apparent, was yesterday pictured brandishing an assault rifle, rallying supporters and pledging to “send weapons” to loyalists.

Militias controlled by another of Gaddafi’s sons were also massing on the outskirts of a rebel-held city.

If the no-fly zone is agreed, experts believe that western governments may launch bombing raids on Gaddafi forces if he continues to attack protesters.

Libyan opponents of Gaddafi are calling for Nato air strikes, amid growing fears that they are too weak to overwhelm his still-powerful military on their own or defend liberated cities from attack.

Mustapha Gheriani, a spokesman for an organising committee of lawyers, judges and professionals in Benghazi, the leading city of the revolution, said: “We can’t protect ourselves at the moment from tanks and aircraft, let alone organise a march on Tripoli to topple Gaddafi.

“If there are just a few air strikes, his loyalists will leave him and his time will be numbered in hours. Otherwise he could survive for a long time and there could be terrible bloodshed.”

On Monday, Mr Cameron announced that the vast majority of Britons had been evacuated from Libya and that the evacuation of foreign nationals would be largely complete by today.

The end of the evacuation effort has coincided with a meeting of senior Western politicians to begin the “next phase” of action against the Gaddafi regime. On Sunday, Britain announced emergency plans to freeze the regime’s assets in London. The European Union will impose wide-ranging sanctions against Gaddafi and the Libyan government this week.

Mr Cameron said: “If Col Gaddafi uses military force against his own people, the world cannot stand by. That is why we should be looking at a no-fly zone.” No-fly zones have previously been imposed over Iraq and Bosnia to prevent rogue regimes using air power against civilians. Gen Sir David Richards, the Chief of the Defence Staff, has been asked to draw up options for British military operations in Libya.

Any British involvement in a no-fly operation could see Tornados and Typhoons flying from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. The Libyan air force is equipped with French-built Mirage fighter-bombers, but British planners are more concerned about the regime’s military helicopters, which include Soviet-made Mil Mi-24 gunships.

Reports from Libya say such helicopters have been deployed against opposition forces, killing dozens of civilians.

Sources said Gen Richards’ military options paper will also look at British ground operations. Those were likely to be contingency plans to deal with the extraction of RAF pilots in the event of planes crashing or being shot down.

Another option would be giving weapons and other support to groups inside Libya. Mr Cameron said Gaddafi’s departure was Britain’s “highest priority”, adding: “If helping the opposition would somehow bring that about, it is certainly something we should be considering.”

Since the Libyan crisis began, the Coalition has faced repeated criticism over the decision last year to decommission HMS Ark Royal and the Royal Navy’s Harrier jets, leaving Britain without a functioning aircraft carrier.

Dr Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, insisted that such criticism was a “red herring” because the base in Cyprus meant Britain could still operate jets over Libya if required.

He said: “There has been no need for us to have a carrier, there has been no need for us to use fast jets, but we have the ability to use them if required.”

The Pentagon is believed to be considering moving a US aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, from the Red Sea into the Mediterranean to take up a position off Libya. The USS Kearsage, an amphibious assault ship, could also be redeployed. “We’re repositioning forces to provide for flexibility once decisions are made,” said a Pentagon spokesman.

On Monday, reports from Libya suggested that Gaddafi – and forces still loyal to him – were preparing to attack rebels and protesters in the west of the country.

In an interview with ABC News, an American television network, the defiant dictator said: “All my people love me. They would die to protect me.”

Witnesses in Misrata, a city of 500,000 people to the east of Tripoli, and Zawiyah, a strategic refinery town to the west of the capital, said government forces were mounting or preparing attacks.

A resident of Zawiyah, called Ibrahim, said: “We are expecting attacks at any moment by brigades belonging to [Gaddafi’s son] Khamis. They are on the outskirts of the town.”

The US Treasury Department announced last night that it has frozen at least $30 billion in Libyan government assets under US jurisdiction. “This is the largest blocking under any sanctions programme ever,” a spokesman said.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Naruto 530 Raw Spoilers and Predictions

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Naruto 530 (English)
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Ino: for (a guy) being scared the crap, Good job, choji!
Choji ...i feel ive lost weight radically with a cold sweat
Shikamaru: a feeling is ok
No worries, youre the same old you.

Shikaku: As planned!
Inoichi:You've gained better control of the speed and the release of shintenshin...
Choza: well done choji!
Kituchi: from the 6th squad to the 10th, take the injured to the support
The rest, follow me!!
Kotetu: I 'owe' you...
you're not forgetting that are you, *hijiki(black algae) bastard
kakuzu: im afraid i don't remember an opponent that doesn't make money...
Izumo: they say money talks even in the hell but...
can i ask you if it talked after you died?
Shika: Senpai!
Ino: Izumo san, Kotetsu san!
Izumo:Shikamaru! Chozi, Ino!
We work together to seal him!!
Ino: Alrighty!
Choji: Yep!!
Izumo and kotetsu:!
Shikaku: Izumo, kotetsu, we leave kakuzu to you and darui.
Ino: Choji...
the last words of asuma sensei...
Do you remember?

asuma: Choji... youre... a kindhearted guy who cares his fellows...
Thats why.... you can be a strong shinobi more than anyone else...
be more confident... in yourself...

asuma: you're although strongwilled...a girl who takes good care of(/is attentive to) others...
choji and they are both clumsy...
i count on you...
Kankuro: gasp......(with my body being numb...)
Mifune: i reckon you're Hanzo-dono(sir),
this little man right here is president of samurais, namely mifune,
Id like to have a match with you!

end caption "Shinobi vs samurai, masters fight!!"
by: Forlong

Naruto 530Motoi: What is it, Naruto-kun?
Naruto: It was weird. It felt when one of my Kage Bunshins is dispelled. But I never cast it.
Killer Bee: I think I know what it is, ya see, another Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi.
Motoi: !
Naruto: What? But how is that possible? The Kyuubi was sealed inside me.
Motoi: Well...not all of it. There were two brothers of the Cloud that ate some of the Kyuubi's flesh.
Naruto: Gross.
Killer Bee: Yeah that may be, but they got the powers of the Kyuubi.
Motoi: They died a long time ago at the hand of Hiruzen-sama.
Naruto: Old man Hokage beat two Jinchuriki at once!?
Motoi: That's what I heard.'s possible someone could have taken part of the Kyuubi.
Naruto: Hmmm. I guess. Hey, does that mean that all the Biju could be fused together?
Motoi: Well...they were that way.
Naruto: What!?
Motoi: *sigh* I guess you won't be able to focus on your training until I explain it.
Cut to Shikamaru.
Choji: I can't believe we beat one of the Cloud's greatest shinobi.
Asuma: The new generation always surpasses the old, Choji.
Kakuzu: Fu fu fu. Looks like you have to fight your old master. Kinkaku gave you to many openings. He got rusty. Or should I say "tarnished"?
Ino: You want to fight again, Kakuzu? Well, we beat you before, and I'd hate for things to get redundant.
Kakuzu: I don't recall you doing a thing against me. It was that Kyuubi kid that did it. Him and Kakashi. I'll kill them once I'm done with you.
Shikamaru: He he he. You kill Naruto? That's a laugh. Remember your boss, Nagato? Well Naruto defeated him. He's way out of your liege now.
Cut to Gaara.
Gaara: This looks like a good place to set up an ambush.
Onoki: They'll realize that too. Remember who we're dealing with.
Gaara: Don't think I'd forget.
Cut to Muu.
Muu: The group has stopped.
Second Mizukage: I'm tired of you being so vague about who we're facing! Can't you be more descriptive.
Muu: No.
Third Raikage: It's not like he can. He's been long dead, and it's very unlikely he knew any of the shinobi we'll be facing.
Muu: I can identify one. My student, Onoki.
Second Mizukage: How deliciously wonderful, Muu will have to fight his own student.
Muu: Idiot! Do you realize what this means!?
Second Mizukage: Of course, you will have to kill your own--
Muu: Shut up and listen! It was Sensing Sand that detected me, a Sand Village jutsu. If my student is with the Sand Village, all the great shinobi villages might be working together.
Third Raikage: I see. Then members of the Yotsuki clan could be there. Or of the Uzumaki clan.
Muu: If they expected this jutsu, there are probably some of their best sealers in that group. In fact, they might have fallen back to hold off for those shinobi to arrive.
Fourth Kazekage: And if they stopped, we can guarantee that they are setting traps for us.
Cut to Temari.
Temari: We may not be the Ambush Division, but that should get the job done.
Random shinobi: They're moving again.
Gaara: Everyone get ready!
Onoki: It's been a long time since I've been in a fight.
Gaara: Don't worry, I'll watch your back.
Onoki: Hmpf. No. I'll be watching your back.
Temari (thinking): Kankuro, are you doing all right?
Cut to Kankuro with a bloody face and being held up by the neck with Hanzo's hand.
Hanzo: Pathetic. How did someone so weak defeat Sasori of Red Sands.
Hoheto: Kakuro!
Kimimaru: Don't leave yourself open!
Kimimaru cuts Hoheto.
Black-haired shinobi: This is bad. We have to fall back to Kakashi-sempai's location. He's the only one that has a hope of defeating these guys.
Hanzo: It looks like your allies are to preoccupied to save you...what was your name again?
Kakuro spits in Hanzo's face.
Hanzo: Disrespectful little whelp! I'd kill you for that, but I have to know something: is Nagato still alive?
Kakuro: Who the hell are you talking about?
Hanzo: The guy that killed me! I want to return the favor.
Kakuro: He he. You're to late. Naruto beat you to it.
Hanzo: Hm. I could kill this "Naruto", not that it would be the same. But then no one would question my superiority.
Kakuro: Like hell you will. Compared to Naruto, you're a second rate--no--third rate loser not worth his time and effort.
Kakuro: Come on, what you just did is nothing compared to what Naruto pulled when he was 13, or was it 12? You're nothing but a joke when I think of a shinobi like him.
Hanzo: THAT'S IT!
Hanzo makes a hole in Kakuro's chest and turns away.
by: superninja

Naruto 530

Shikamaru: "That was effective, now we can use the sealing jar to quickly end all the edo zombies."
Darui: "The jar can only hold one person at a time so it is useless until we empty it."
Ino: "Shikamaru look, it's sensei!"
Asuma standing in the distance.
Darui: "You try to catch him with your shadow binding and I'll loop his head off."
Shikamaru: "No, that guy is our sensei. The three of us will deal with him."
Darui: "Suit yourselves, just make sure you don't be sorry later."
Chouji: "What are we going to do?"
Shikamaru: "I'll try to shadow bind him and talk to him, maybe I can break his curse like that. Whatever happens don't hold back, you won't hurt him since he is in this state."
Tenten: "Hi guys, can I help you with your plan?"
Shikamaru: "Chouji, Ino and I are going at him from his left side, you start throwing kunais at Asuma when we are in position or if Asuma attacks first. Lets go!"
Shika, Chouji and Ino circle around Asuma while Asuma is standing there.
Shikamaru does hand seal: "Signal Tenten to attack!"
Tenten starts throwing kunais from her scroll, Asuma evades or deflects them with his kunai. Shika tries to catch him with his shadow, but Asuma jumps away.
Shikamaru: "He is jumping around us so we stand between him and Tenten."
Teten: "That makes no difference."
Tenten throws her kunais up and they fly over Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji and start falling towards Asuma.
Asuma throws his kunai at Shikamaru. Chouji blocks it with his hand, but it goes through since it's wind chakra infused and passes close to Shikas head.
Shikamaru: "Damn...."
Chouji: "Aaaah!"
Ino: "I'll try to heal that."
Shikamaru: "If you didn't block it, it would have probably killed me."

Meanwhile Darui faces Kakuzu.
Darui: "You don't look like a pushover, where have you been hiding the entire fight?"
Kakuzu: "Obtaining useful parts and pieces...I think your heart will be the most prized possession I'll acquire here."
Darui: "My heart is already promised to a certain lady so you can't have it. Your entire group has been defeated so give up already."
Kakuzu: "I have my own plans, it feels good to be back in the world of living."
Darui (thinking): "I don't have much chakra left, but I can try."
Darui does the laser circus, Kakuzu dives under earth.
Darui: "Damn..."
Darui jumps into air, but one of Kakuzu tentacles manages to wrap around his leg. A lot of alliance shinobis come running and one of them cuts the tentacle with a sword.

Meanwhile Asuma gets caught with Shikas shadow jutsu and gets covered with kunais.
Shikamaru: "Sensei..."
Asuma: "Shikamaru...have you taken good care of the king?"
Shikamaru: "Your child still hasn't been born, but will be anytime soon."
Asuma: "So it hasn't been long since I died."
Shikamaru (starts crying): "No...I will take good care of your child. If it's a boy, he will be the strongest and bravest in Konoha...if it's a girl, I bet she will be beautiful."
Asuma: "All of that is not important as much....what is important to me is to know you will be there. He might be the weakest guy in Konoha, but I know he will be the most fair with you as his mentor. She might be the ugliest girl, but I know she will never feel unloved with you around. I am a lucky guy..."
Shikamaru: "I promise you that much."
Chouji and Ino come closer wiping tears.
Asuma: "I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you now. Sorry for the arm Chouji."
Chouji: "It's all right."
Asumas soul gets free.
Asuma: "Ino, Chouji and Shikamaru, I am proud at how strong you've become. Keep growing. And also Tenten, tell her to improve her aim a bit."
Shikamaru: "Goodbye again."
Naruto 529 (English)

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